
Primary LanguageJavaScript

MongoDB Tools

This is the 2.7.x unstable branch. This project is a work in progress.

  • bsondump - display BSON files in a human-readable format
  • mongoimport - Convert data from JSON or CSV and insert them into a collection
  • mongoexport - Write an existing collection to CSV or JSON format
  • mongodump/mongorestore - Dump MongoDB backups to disk in .BSON format, or restore them to a live database
  • mongostat - Monitor live MongoDB servers, replica sets, or sharded clusters
  • mongofiles - Read, write, delete, or update files in GridFS
  • mongooplog - Replay oplog entries between MongoDB servers
  • mongotop - Monitor read/write activity on a mongo server

Report any bugs, improvements, or new feature requests at https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/tools


Clone the repo and set your GOPATH to the directory root. Then run the dependency installation script.

git clone https://github.com/mongodb/mongo-tools
cd mongo-tools
export GOPATH=`pwd`
./gpm install

Note: 'go get' is not currently compatible with this repo. This may or may not change.

Building Tools

for i in bsondump mongostat mongofiles mongoexport mongoimport mongorestore mongodump mongotop mongooplog; do
    go build  -o "$i" src/github.com/mongodb/mongo-tools/$i/main/$i.go


These tools also support linking with OpenSSL to provide SSL support. To build binaries with SSL features, add the -tags ssl argument to go build commands.