A personal website powered by Hapi.js


  1. MongoDB
  2. nodemon
  3. Bootstrap

Running the app

  • Development (uses nodemon)
    • npm run dev
  • Production
    • npm run prod
  • Format Code, Identify Errors
    • npm run lint

Directory Structure

|-- config # environment variables
|   `-- default.json
|-- database.js
|-- index.js
|-- package.json
|-- plugins.js
|-- public 
|   |-- css files
|   |-- html files
|   |-- js files
|-- routes.js
|-- server # all subdirectories are REST models
|   |-- dev
|   |   |-- Dev.js # mongoose model
|   |   |-- devHandler.js # functionality to handle crud operations
|   |   `-- devRoutes.js # configuration that defines the routes we are providing
|   |-- etc
|   |   |-- Etc.js
|   |   |-- etcHandler.js
|   |   `-- etcRoutes.js
|   |-- film
|   |   |-- Film.js
|   |   |-- filmHandler.js
|   |   `-- filmRoutes.js
|   |-- music
|   |   |-- Music.js
|   |   |-- musicHandler.js
|   |   `-- musicRoutes.js
|   |-- users
|   |   |-- User.js
|   |   |-- userHandler.js
|   |   `-- userRoutes.js
|   `-- utils # functionality shared by models
|       |-- logger.js
|       `-- utils.js
|-- server.js
|-- templates # server-side templates
|   |-- film.html
|   |-- list.html
|   |-- music.html
|   `-- post.html
`-- yarn.lock

What does the configuration file look like?

With some of the configuration driving the functionality and look of the site, it is important to have the configuration set up correctly. To do so, create a file in the root config directory called default.json. This is the filenaming structure adopted by the configuration management package we use: config. This file should resemble the following json:

    "app": {
        "port": 3000,
        "host": "localhost",
        "name": "Your website name here",
        "logLevel": "info"
    "database": {
        "url": "mongodb://localhost/your-collection-name-here"