A personal website powered by Hapi.js
- Development (uses nodemon)
npm run dev
- Production
npm run prod
- Format Code, Identify Errors
npm run lint
|-- README.md
|-- config # environment variables
| `-- default.json
|-- database.js
|-- index.js
|-- package.json
|-- plugins.js
|-- public
| |-- css files
| |-- html files
| |-- js files
|-- routes.js
|-- server # all subdirectories are REST models
| |-- dev
| | |-- Dev.js # mongoose model
| | |-- devHandler.js # functionality to handle crud operations
| | `-- devRoutes.js # configuration that defines the routes we are providing
| |-- etc
| | |-- Etc.js
| | |-- etcHandler.js
| | `-- etcRoutes.js
| |-- film
| | |-- Film.js
| | |-- filmHandler.js
| | `-- filmRoutes.js
| |-- music
| | |-- Music.js
| | |-- musicHandler.js
| | `-- musicRoutes.js
| |-- users
| | |-- User.js
| | |-- userHandler.js
| | `-- userRoutes.js
| `-- utils # functionality shared by models
| |-- logger.js
| `-- utils.js
|-- server.js
|-- templates # server-side templates
| |-- film.html
| |-- list.html
| |-- music.html
| `-- post.html
`-- yarn.lock
With some of the configuration driving the functionality and look of the site, it is important to have the configuration
set up correctly. To do so, create a file in the root config
directory called default.json
. This is the filenaming
structure adopted by the configuration management package we use: config. This
file should resemble the following json:
"app": {
"port": 3000,
"host": "localhost",
"name": "Your website name here",
"logLevel": "info"
"database": {
"url": "mongodb://localhost/your-collection-name-here"