AAAI24@LimeAttack: Local Explainable Method for Textual Hard-Label Adversarial Attack
LimeAttack's code:
- py3.10
- boto3==1.26.28
- botocore==1.29.28
- torch == 1.12.1+cu116
- tensorflow-gpu == 2.11.0(optional)
- tensorflow-hub == 0.12.0(optional)
- numpy == 1.23.2
- nltk == 3.7
- scipy == 1.9.1
There are MR, SST-2 , AG, Yahoo and SNLI, MNLI and MNLIm datasets. We adopt the pretrained models provided including BERT,CNN,LSTM. These data and models are adopted from HLBB or TextAttack.
glove.6B.200d.txt and counter-fitted-vectors.txt can be obtained from TextFooler
- Attack the victim model for text classification with LimeAttack.