- Nvidia driver 440.82
- CUDA 10.2
- pytorch 1.4.0
- python 3.7.6
- Please refer to INSTALL.md for installation and dataset preparation.
- Install detectron 2
# for CUDA 10.2:
python -m pip install detectron2 -f https://dl.fbaipublicfiles.com/detectron2/wheels/cu102/index.html
Or refer to Detectron 2
- (1)
make dir: mmdetection/data/beike - (2)
将已经merge好的 pcl 和 json 链接到:
mmdetection/data/beike/data/json - (3)
cd mmdetection/beike_data_utils
python data_preprocess.py
在 data/beike/processed_512 中会生成一下文件:
all.txt json mean_std.txt pcl_scopes ply relationImgs relations room_bboxes test.txt TopView_VerD TopView_VerD_Imgs train.txt
1. 配置 data_preprocess.py 中的 pool_num 可以设置多进程。
2. scene_start=0, max_scene_num = 100 控制处理的数据范围。预处理最开始会将所有的scene排序,把第scene_start到scene_start+max_scene_num 放到 all.txt。后续所有的操作都只针对all.txt中的scene进行。
比如可以先跑: scene_start=0, max_scene_num = 100
再跑: scene_start=100, max_scene_num = 100 (第100 到 200)
再跑: scene_start=0, max_scene_num = 200 应该会很快。
3. json和ply 是链接。在training 过程中需要加载 json, 但不加载ply。
4. TopView_VerD_Imgs 和 relationImgs 仅用于验证生成效果,在训练是不需要。
5. train.txt 和 test.txt 每次都会随机打乱更新。
6. 如果某个scene 出错,应该是这个scene生成了 size 为0的文件,删掉后重跑应该可过。
- data loading configurations:
In configs/strpoints/bev_strpoints_r50_fpn_1x.py: data_root for path of the data, img_prefix_train and img_prefix_test the list of files to be loaded.
In order to only loading very few files, edit or replace img_prefix_test.
cd work_dirs/TrL18K_S_July3_PaperUsed/bTPV_r50_fpn_XYXYSin2_beike2d_wa_bs7_lr10_LsW510R2P1N1_Rfiou631_Fpn44_Pbs1_Bp32_Rel
cp _run.sh /home/z/Research/mmdetection
cd ./beike_data_utils
python beike_utils.py
In gen_gt_pcl_3d_models, show_3d=1
cd ./utils_dataset
python graph_eval_utils.py
- edit 'dirs' in graph_eval_utils.py/main() to eval combined results of ['wall'] and['window', 'door']
- DEBUG.append('_D_show_gt') to show gts
- DEBUG.append('_D_show_det_graph_3D')