Introduction ====================================================================== This is a guideline how to compile and use FSSR, the Floating Scale Surface Reconstruction software accompanying the following paper: Floating Scale Surface Reconstruction Simon Fuhrmann and Michael Goesele In: ACM ToG (Proceedings of ACM SIGGRAPH 2014). This software is based on MVE, the Multi-View Environment. See the link below for details on MVE, and the next section for downloading and building MVE. Downlaoding and Building MVE and FSSR ====================================================================== MVE requires libjpeg, libpng and libtiff as dependencies, which can be obtained using the package system of your distribution. The following commands should get you started: # Download and compile MVE git clone make -j8 -C mve # Download and compile FSSR git clone make -j8 -C fssr The binaries will be located and ready for execution here: fssr/apps/fssr_octree fssr/apps/fssr_surface FSSR Input Data ====================================================================== FSSR requires as input a point set which contains several required and some optional attributes per sample. Currently, only PLY is supported as input format. All required and optional attributes are listed below: Name PLY Attribute(s) Type Required? ------------------------------------------------------------------ 3D positions x, y, z float 3-vector required normals nx, ny, nz float 3-vector required scale values value single float value required confidence confidence single float value optional color red, green, blue uchar 3-vector optional A typical PLY header (without color) then looks like this: format binary_little_endian 1.0 element vertex 36228 property float x property float y property float z property float nx property float ny property float nz property float confidence property float value end_header If you are using MVE and want to create a surface from a set of depth maps, you can use the 'scene2pset' tools, which is included in the MVE distribution. Usage: scene2pset [ OPTS ] SCENE_DIR MESH_OUT Make sure the parameters --depth and --image specify the correct depth map and corresponding image. Also enable normals, scale and confidence with the parameters --with-normals, --with-scale and --with-conf. Running FSSR ====================================================================== First, the implicit function defined by the input points is sampled and stored in an octree. This is done with the 'fssr_octree' tool. Usage: fssr_octree [ OPTS ] IN_PLY [ IN_PLY ... ] OUT_OCTREE It takes one or more PLY files as input (connectivity information is ignored) and samples the implicit function over an octree hierarchy. The result is stored in a binary format. (Check the code for details.) Second, the sampling of the implicit function must be converted to a surface mesh. This is done with a second 'fssr_surface' tool. Usage: fssr_surface [ OPTS ] IN_OCTREE OUT_PLY_MESH The tool takes as input the octree and produces a mesh. Several options can control the resulting mesh. See the tools output for details. Trouble? Contact! ====================================================================== Contact information can be found on the FSSR and MVE websites.