
Telegram API framework for creating bots

Primary LanguageGo

Tamework - an go telegram bot api framework Go Report Card Coverage Status GoDoc

Tamework - a framework aimed at the rapid development of bots for the Telegram. This project based on macaron code concepts and use tgbotapi under in the hood.


First you need go language.

Then just install tamework:

go get -u github.com/zhuharev/tamework



package main

import (

func main() {
  // put your bot token here
  token := ""

  tw, err := tamework.New(token)
  if err!=nil {

  // handler for /start command
  tw.Text("/start", func(ctx *tamework.Context) {

  // wait updates

Wait inputs

Now you don't need FSM and other patterns for storing user input state. With tamework you can receive multiple messages in single handler:

func handler(ctx *tamework.Context) {

  var (
    name = ""
    age = "0"

    // stopword if this line is entered
    // waiter will be canceled
    stopword = "cancel"

    // The time after which the user's choice or input is reset
    inputTimeout = 30 * time.Second

  ctx.Send("Input your name:")

  update, done := ctx.Wait(stopword, inputTimeout)
  if !done {
    // timeout or connection error
    c.Send("timeout! try again")
  name = update.Text()

  ctx.Send("Input your age:")

  update, done := ctx.Wait(stopword, inputTimeout)
  if !done {
    // timeout or connection error
    c.Send("timeout! try again")

  age = update.Text()

  oputput := fmt.Sprintf(`your name: *%s*\n\nyour age: *%s*`, name, age)