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A vite plugin inject typescript script into html

Compile typescript files in the specified directory then inject them into html

Online Demo



  • If you want to execute some scripts before the page render
  • If you don't want to inject script code into index.html in a hard-coded way
  • If you want third-party scripts to have hash cache
  • If you want your project to be all typescript
  • ...

vite-plugin-public-typescript is born to solve these problems elegantly


pnpm add vite-plugin-public-typescript -D


  • Independent third-party scripts, such as sentry, google analytics, baidu statistics, etc.
  • Scripts that you want to execute before the page is fully loaded, such as lib-flexible, etc.
  • Initialize global functions
  • ...


  • Output js files with hash, no need to worry about cache
  • Default esbuild compilation, blazo fast!
  • Support babel compilation, no need to worry about browser compatibility
  • Support vite environment variables
  • Support vite HMR
  • Support different output modes (memory mode and file mode)
  • Support CSR and SSR


Option Type Default Description
inputDir string public-typescript Directory of input typescript files
publicDir string publicDir of vite's config Vite's publicDir
outputDir string '' Directory of output javascript files after building
esbuildOptions BuildOptions {} esbuild build options
babel boolean | ESBuildPluginBabelOptions false babel compilation (if you need to be compatible with browsers below es6, please turn it on)
manifestName string manifest The name of the manifest file
hash boolean true Whether the compiled js generates hash
destination string memory Output mode: memory mode | file mode
cacheDir string node_modules/.vite-plugin-public-typescript The directory where the manifest cache is stored
base string vite config base Resource base url


Note: The default value of 'inputDir' in 'publicTypescript' is' public-typescript ', you can also reconfigure this property. Then you need to create a folder with the same name in the same directory as' vite.config.ts' and create a '.ts' file inside it

// vite.config.ts
import { defineConfig } from 'vite'
import { publicTypescript } from 'vite-plugin-public-typescript'

export default defineConfig({
  plugins: [
    // If you use the default configuration, the source code location 'inputDir' defaults to 'public-typescript'
    injectScripts((manifest) => [
        attrs: {
          // The file name in the directory, for example, test.ts --> manifest.test
          src: manifest.someScript,
        injectTo: 'head',

get manifest in client

Note: The code here can only be used in the project code, not in 'vite.config.ts' and other build time code, because it is generated after the build

import { manifest } from 'vite-plugin-public-typescript/client'


If you need to get the 'manifest' at build time, such as custom implementation of your own vite plugin 'injectScript', use the following code

import { getManifest } from 'vite-plugin-public-typescript';



In SPA applications, we can inject scripts into index.html via the injectScripts plugin.

For a full example, see: spa playground

vite config

import { defineConfig } from 'vite'
import { injectScripts, publicTypescript } from 'vite-plugin-public-typescript'

export default defineConfig({
  plugins: [
    injectScripts((manifest) => [
        attrs: {
        injectTo: 'head-prepend',


In an SSR application, we can easily change the html to be rendered by injecting a script into it, since the html is essentially just a string!

For a full example, see: ssr playground

vite config

import { defineConfig } from 'vite'
import { publicTypescript } from 'vite-plugin-public-typescript'

export default defineConfig({
  plugins: [


import { injectScriptsToHtml } from 'vite-plugin-public-typescript'

html = injectScriptsToHtml(html, (manifest) => [
    attrs: {
      src: manifest.ssr,
    injectTo: 'head-prepend',
