
Primary LanguageC++

Basic implementation of Scheme programming language Interpreter


> (+ 1 8)
> (* 8 (+ 1 9))
> (define len (lambda x (if (null? x) 0 (+ 1 (len (cdr x))))))
> (len '(5 9 7 1 '(a b) (+ 8 9)))
> (define fib (lambda n (if (< n 3) 1 (+ (fib (- n 1)) (fib (- n 2))))))
> (fib 8)

Supported data types

  • Number
  • Boolean
  • Symbol - a name to lookup in Scope
  • Pair (List) - expression to evaluate or store data

Numbers and Booleans are self-evaluating.

All objects evaluate to TRUE except for #f when used in predicates places

Supported functions, operators and predicates

Each function has a name, a number of arguments and a returning object - the result of function execution

Syntax: (function-name argument1 argument2 ...) -> result (object)

General functions

Name # arguments arg sequence logic returns
quote 1 returns argument itself, without evaluation. If expression is a Cell - it becomes a List of items object
max 1+ all numbers returns max argument number number
min 1+ all numbers returns min argument number number
abs 1 a number returns abs of argument number
lambda 2+ symbol / list of symbols, expressions creates new function that takes 0 or more arguments (as defined by the first argument) and executes a list of expressions (arguments 2...). Returns the resulting object of the last expression when applied function object

Scope-updating functions

Name # arguments arg sequence logic returns
define 2 symbol name / Pair (for defining lambdas) , object value creates variable with "name" associated with "value" in current Scope object, empty list () (null)
set! 2 symbol name, object value updates variable with "name": sets "value" in current Scope. If no "name" in current Scope defined - throws an Error object, empty list () (null)


Name # arguments arg sequence logic returns
+ 0+ sums all !numbers!, starting from 0 a number - result
- 1+ subtracts all numbers from the 1st one. If only one number is given - negates it. a number - result
* 0+ product of all !numbers!, starting from 1 a number - result
/ 1+ successive division of numbers one by one. Or 1/num if only one is given a number - result
if 2, 3 1st - expr that evaluates to get boolean value. 2nd (+3rd) - expr to return if 1st arg evals to true - eval and return 2nd argument; if 1st arg evals to false - eval and return 3rd argument, if no 3rd arg - return () evaluation of returning expression or () if nothing to return

Boolean operators

Name # arguments arg sequence logic returns
and 0+ (and <test>) The <test> expressions are evaluated from left to right, and the value of the first expression that evaluates to a false value is returned. Any remaining expressions are not evaluated. If all the expressions evaluate to true values, the value of the last expression is returned. If there are no expressions then #t is returned. boolean
or 0+ (or <test>) The <test> expressions are evaluated from left to right, and the value of the first expression that evaluates to a true value is returned. Any remaining expressions are not evaluated. If all expressions evaluate to false values, the value of the last expression is returned. If there are no expressions then #f is returned. boolean
not 1 negates boolean representation of the argument boolean
< 0, 2+ compares for < pairs of numbers one by one (1-2, 2-3, ...) boolean
<= 0, 2+ compares for <= pairs of numbers one by one (1-2, 2-3, ...) boolean
> 0, 2+ compares for > pairs of numbers one by one (1-2, 2-3, ...) boolean
>= 0, 2+ compares for >= pairs of numbers one by one (1-2, 2-3, ...) boolean
= 0, 2+ compares for equality all !numbers! boolean


Name # arguments arg sequence logic returns
boolean? 1 Checks if arg has boolean type boolean #t / #f
number? 1 Checks if arg has number type boolean #t / #f
symbol? 1 Checks if arg has symbol type boolean #t / #f
pair? 1 Checks if arg has pair type boolean #t / #f
list? 1 Checks if arg has list type boolean #t / #f
null? 1 Checks if arg is an empty list - () boolean #t / #f

Pair and List functions

Name # arguments arg sequence logic returns
cons 2 creates a pair; sets its left part to the 1st argument, and right part to the 2nd argument pair
car 1 pair extracts and returns the left part of the given pair (head of the given list) object
cdr 1 pair extracts and returns the right part of the given pair (tail of the given list) object
set-car! 2 pair object, object value updates pair, sets its left part to object value object, empty list () (null)
set-cdr! 2 pair object, object value updates pair, sets its right part to object value object, empty list () (null)
list 0+ creates a new list from the given arguments list
list-ref 2 pair object, numeric index extracts object at position index of the given list object
list-tail 2 pair object, numeric index extracts list tail after position index of the given list list