
Parallel pore-scale flow simulator using lattice Boltzmann method in panHighperformanceLatticeBoltzmann2004

Primary LanguageC

Parallel pore-scale flow simulator using lattice Boltzmann method


This solver implements the idea in A high-performance lattice Boltzmann implementation to model flow in porous media, Computer Physics Communications 158 (2004) 89–105 to simulate flow in porous media.

It uses a sparse lattice representation for the pores part of the porous matrix. Combined with the Orthogonal recursive bisection domain decomposition, it can achieve a super linear parallel efficiency in MPI environment.

Currently, only single phase LB model and periodical boundary condition have been implemented.

Compiling and run

To compile use make


To run

  1. pre-process :

    ./preprocess.x 40

    where 40 is the number of MPI process

  2. solver :

    mpirun -np 40 -machinefile ~/hosts ./porelb.x 100000

    where 100000 is the total LB steps

  3. post-process :

    ./postprocess.x A 1000 2000 3000

    Save the full flow data at time step 1000 2000 and 3000. Or

    ./postprocess.x X 200 1000 2000 3000

    to slide out the slice X=200