AutoLink: Self-supervised Learning of Human Skeletons and Object Outlines by Linking Keypoints (NeurIPS 2022)

AutoLink: Self-supervised Learning of Human Skeletons and Object Outlines by Linking Keypoints
Xingzhe He, Bastian Wandt, and Helge Rhodin
Thirty-sixth Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2022)



Setup environment
conda create -n autolink python=3.8
conda activate autolink
pip install -r requirements.txt
Download datasets

The CelebA-in-the-wild, Taichi, Human3.6m, DeepFashion, CUB, 11k Hands, AFHQ, Horse2Zebra and Flower can be found on their websites. We provide the pre-processing code for CelebA-in-the-wild, CUB and Flower to make them h5 files. Others can be used directly.

Download pre-trained models

The pre-trained models can be downloaded from Google Drive.


To numerically test the model performance, run

python --log celeba_wild/celeba_wild_k8_m0.8_b16_t0.0025_sklr512 --data_root data/celeba_wild


  • --log specifies the checkpoint folder under checkpoints/,
  • --data_root specifies the location of the dataset,

Therefore, the above command will give the performance metric on CelebA-in-the-wild, which is described in the paper.

You can also qualitatively test the model.

python --log log/celeba_wild_k8_m0.8_b16_t0.0025_sklr512 --folder_name celeba_wild_k8_detection --data_root data/celeba_wild


  • --folder_name specifies the folder where you want to save the detection images.


To train our model on CelebA-in-the-wild, run

python --n_parts 8 -missing 0.8 --block 16 --thick 2.5e-3 --sklr 512 --data_root data/celeba_wild -dataset celeba_wild


  • --n_parts specifies the number of keypoints,
  • --missing specifies the ratio of the image masking,
  • --block specifies number of patches to divide the image in one dimension,
  • --thick specifies thickness of the edges,
  • --sklr specifies the learning rate of the edge weights,
  • --data_root specifies the location of the dataset,
  • --dataset specifies name of the dataset.

The trained model can be found in checkpoints/celeba_wild_k8_m0.8_b16_t0.0025_sklr512.


    title={AutoLink: Self-supervised Learning of Human Skeletons and Object Outlines by Linking Keypoints},
    author={He, Xingzhe and Wandt, Bastian and Rhodin, Helge},
    booktitle={Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems},