
The Java based component for working with UI12 in the Max8

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Java CI with Gradle


The Java based component for working with Ui12 mixer in the Max8.

Remote control via WebSocket

Ui12 is 12-input Remote-Controlled Digital Mixer that has own WebSocket server.
Max8 has mxj component to be able to execute Java in Max.


For building this project you have to install JDK.

How to install under Max8

  • build fat jar
    ./gradlew clean customFatJar
  • copy to the Max8
    cp ./build/libs/max8-ui12.jar -> C:\Program Files\Cycling '74\Max 8\resources\packages\max-mxj\java-classes\lib

How to use

Here is a simple example how it can be used in Max8.