
The source codes of nuget package https://www.nuget.org/packages/ExpressionToWhereClause/

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A simple tool library for converting the Expression to sql where clause

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ExpressionToWhereClause is a NuGet library that you can add into your project that will extend your Expression<Func<TModel, bool>> type.

It provides only one Method:

Explain of Type Expression<Func<TModel, bool>> to the parametric sql where clause and the parameter list

 public static (string, Dictionary<string, object>) ToWhereClause<T>(this Expression<Func<T, bool>> expression, ISqlAdapter sqlAdapter = default) where T : class

The the right part of Func<TModel, bool> must like:

[model].[PropertyName] [comparator] [Value], or the combinations.


u.Name == "Foo"


u.Name == "Foo" || u.Name == "Bar"

The [Value] can be from many places, not only the constant. For the detailed information, please see the example usage.

#f03c15 Warning: This library dose not support unary, like u => !(u.Name == "Foo"), but support u => u.Name != "Foo" and u => !u.Sex Sex is bool type

Example usage:

See the Unit Test