
This repo is prepared to test the performance of nats and redis in pubsub messaging

Primary LanguageGo


This repo is prepared to test the performance of nats and redis in pubsub messaging.


Redis server - https://redis.io/
Nats server - https://nats.io/download/nats-io/nats-server/
NATS streaming server - https://nats.io/download/nats-io/nats-streaming-server/


➜  redis-vs-nats git:(master) ls -lah
total 16
drwxr-xr-x   3 yakuter  staff    96B Apr 10 10:47 faker
drwxr-xr-x   5 yakuter  staff   160B Apr 10 10:47 json
drwxr-xr-x   3 yakuter  staff    96B Apr  7 08:46 model
drwxr-xr-x   4 yakuter  staff   128B Apr 10 10:50 nats
drwxr-xr-x   4 yakuter  staff   128B Apr 10 10:52 nats-streaming-BETA
drwxr-xr-x   4 yakuter  staff   128B Apr 10 10:50 redis


With faker, the user can generate json files with fake messages. Usage:

    // In faker folder
    go run faker.go


JSON files generated with faker are located in this folder. Default files and sizes are listed below:

➜  json git:(master) ✗ ls -lah
total 244896
drwxr-xr-x   5 yakuter  staff   160B Apr 10 10:47 .
drwxr-xr-x  11 yakuter  staff   352B Apr 10 10:53 ..
-rw-r--r--   1 yakuter  staff   108M Apr 10 10:47 100k.json
-rw-r--r--   1 yakuter  staff    11M Apr 10 10:47 10k.json
-rw-r--r--   1 yakuter  staff   1.1M Apr 10 10:47 1k.json


This folder contains the struct for message. The Message struct has faker tags to generate meaningful dummy content like IP address etc.

redis, nats and nats-streaming

These folders have same structure. They all have a sender and a receiver. The test steps are below. The order is important!

  1. Start the relevant server according to the test (Redis, Nats or Nats Streaming Server).
  2. Go into receiver folder of the test and run receiver with go run receiver.go
  3. Go into sender folder of the test and run sender with go run sender.go



NATS has a great tool for monioring called nats-top which is a top-like tool for monitoring NATS servers. https://github.com/nats-io/nats-top

$ nats-top

NATS server version 0.7.3 (uptime: 3m34s)
  Load: CPU:  58.3%  Memory: 8.6M  Slow Consumers: 0
  In:   Msgs: 568.7K  Bytes: 1.7M  Msgs/Sec: 13129.0  Bytes/Sec: 38.5K
  Out:  Msgs: 1.6M  Bytes: 4.7M  Msgs/Sec: 131290.9  Bytes/Sec: 384.6K    

Connections: 10
  HOST                 CID    NAME        SUBS    PENDING     MSGS_TO   MSGS_FROM   BYTES_TO    BYTES_FROM  LANG     VERSION  UPTIME   LAST ACTIVITY      13     example     1       12.0K       161.6K    0           484.7K      0           go       1.1.7    17s      2016-02-09 00:13:24.753062715 -0800 PST      14     example     1       11.9K       161.6K    0           484.7K      0           go       1.1.7    17s      2016-02-09 00:13:24.753040168 -0800 PST      15     example     1       12.1K       161.6K    0           484.7K      0           go       1.1.7    17s      2016-02-09 00:13:24.753069442 -0800 PST      16     example     1       12.0K       161.6K    0           484.7K      0           go       1.1.7    17s      2016-02-09 00:13:24.753057413 -0800 PST


Unfortunately, couldn't find a useful tool like nats-top. If you know any, I would like to hear.


File: 100k.json | 100.000 JSON messages | 108mb
NATS: 6.207s
REDIS: 8.212s

File: 10k.json | 10.000 JSON messages | 11mb
NATS: 623.52ms
REDIS: 785.28ms