


🎨 AIPainting-Structured-Prompts 🖌️

🌌 引子

"艺术不是展示真实,而是使真实变得可见。" - 保罗·克利

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  • AIPainting-Structured-Prompts 是一个Prompt模板,也是一个创新工具,旨在为艺术家和创作者提供一个框架,以结构化和生成用于AI绘画创作的Prompt。该模板支持DALLE、Midjourney等多个平台,是连接创意想象和AI艺术生成的桥梁。
  • 使用GPT-4输入prompt.md,即可使用。

📜 项目特点

  • 结构化生成:提供一种简洁的方法来构建和定制化你的Prompt。
  • 多平台兼容性:兼顾了市场上主流的AI绘画平台,如DALLE和MidJourney。
  • 用户友好:即使是AI绘画的新手也可以轻松使用。
  • 创意自由:支持广泛的艺术风格和主题,让你的想象成为可能。

🎨 效果展示

  • by Midjourney--v5.2

  • Prompt: Livingroom design:In an atmosphere that blends traditional and contemporary elements, creating a dialogic ambiance, the background showcases abstract or surreal landscapes, or a juxtaposition of historical and modern settings. Within this backdrop, imaginative characters or objects defy conventional aesthetics and narratives, adorned with eclectic accessories that either blend or contrast different eras and cultures. A rich palette of colors and textures brings forth a sense of juxtaposition and multi-dimensionality. Diverse lighting effects illuminate the piece, emphasizing its complexity and layered nature, all captured in a style reminiscent of postmodern artistry, or a fusion of multiple artistic styles

  • Prompt: 6 floors of Hotel exterior that resonates with the Isozaki Arata philosophy, effortlessly blending historical significance with cutting-edge modernity. The facade showcases a harmonious interplay of organic materials like stone and steel, seamlessly fused with sleek metallic or glass elements. A geometrically profound entrance, far from conventional, draws the eye. Design inspirations from various times and cultures find their place, unified in their diversity. The structure flows with undulating lines, challenging and intriguing the viewer. The color scheme merges muted earthy hues with occasional vibrant splashes, adding layers of depth. Lighting, both soft ambient and dramatic spotlights, is expertly used to emphasize textures and architectural nuances, resulting in a masterpiece that encapsulates the essence of Isozaki Arata ...

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  • 🙏 请关注我的YouTube频道,一起探索更多AI实用功能👏:AI Genius Minds
  • 🙏 欢迎浏览我的FlowGPT主页,发现更多创意之源👏:Tyler Coman

🍁 致谢(请固定保留)

  • 感激 LangGPT 的结构化提示词项目,为我的创作带来了无尽的启示和灵感。
  • 感谢 FlowGPT,在这里我找到了许多值得分享的优质Prompt!