
Data Preprocess

Small(Text-S): ...

Experimental Protocols

TFIDF n-gram: This bag-of-words model is constructed by selecting 500,000 most frequent words (up to 2-gram) from the training dataset. We use the word count as term-frequency. The inverse document frequency is the logarithm of the division between total number of documents and number of documents where the word appears. To deal with 0-value idf, idf value is smoothing by adding 1. After getting document n-gram vector, a logistic regression is applied to perform classification. We use TFIDFVectorizer and LogisticRegression provided by scikit-learn.

doc2vec: This model is implemented in gensim, and is equivalent to paragraph vector (Le et al., 2014). To better understand doc2vec, we test PV-DBOW, PV-DM (two variants of paragraph vector) and PV (PV-DBOW and PV-DM vectors concatenated) performance. The dimension of embedding is fixed to 400 and other hyper parameters are selected by cross validation. After getting embedding vectors, a logistic regression is applied to perform classification.

CNN: CNN is a single hidden layer word based convolution neural network for classification (Kim, 2014). The original purpose for this network is to do sentiment analysis. Because of its simpleness and efficiency, it is a strong baseline method for sentence classification. Here we treat each document as a long sentence input to this model. The widths of convolution filter are 2, 3, 4 and 5, 64 filters for each width. We train 100-dimensional SkipGram (Mikolov et al., 2013) vectors from an unlabeded dataset with 770k documents. Our code is mainly based on cnn-text-classification-tf and reimplement it to support loading word vectors. To better understand the effect of pretrain word vectors, we also conduct an experiment on this model without pretrain vectors.

LSTM: This model begins with a look-up table that creates a embedding representation of each words and transforms the input sentence into a three dimensional tensor of shape b x t x h, with b the instances batch size, t the max length of input sequences and h the dimension of word embedded space. Different methods are experimented to get a good hidden vectors of input sequences. A softmax layer is applied to the hidden vectors to perform classification. In our experiements, we found that bi-directional LSTM implementation in tensorflow is inefficient to our problem such that we can't successfully train a model.

Text-S Result

Method Variant AUC Score Precision-0.9 Precision-0.95 Batch Time(128 instance) /s Memory /M
TFIDF n-gram up to 2-gram 93.11 82.1 74.1 - -
doc2vec PV-DBOW - - - -
doc2vec PV-DM - - - -
doc2vec PV - - - -
CNN word vectors from scratch - - - -
CNN pretrain word vectors 94.35 85.7 78.4 - -
ResNet 18 layer - - - -
LSTM last hidden vector - - - -
LSTM mean pooling hidden vector - - - -
Bi-LSTM mean pooling hidden vector - - - -
