
Basic JSON-RPC 2.0-compliant server written on V.

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A basic JSON-RPC 2.0-compliant server written on V. V-JSONRPC 0.2 is now transfer protocol-independent meaning it is not tied to one protocol and it can now be used in other ways such as STDIN, TCP, UDP and more provided that the provided input is a string.



v install nedpals.jsonrpc
vpkg get v-jsonrpc


This code example is taken from the stdin_example.v which uses a standard input (STDIN) as the main source for calling procedures.

fn emit_error(err_code int) Response {
    mut eres := Response{}
    return eres

fn greet_person(ctx mut Context) string {
    name := jsonrpc.as_string(ctx.req.params)
    return 'Hello, $name'

fn main() {
    srv := jsonrpc.new()
    srv.register('greet', greet_person)

    for {
        line := os.get_line()
        res := srv.exec(line) or { 
            err_code := err.int()
            eres := emit_error(err_code)


Error Handling

V-JSONRPC includes basic error handling as well as a set of public constants for easy use.

pub const (
    PARSE_ERROR = -32700
    INVALID_REQUEST = -32600
    METHOD_NOT_FOUND = -32601
    INVALID_PARAMS = -32602
    INTERNAL_ERROR = -32693    
    SERVER_ERROR_END = -32600
//... Function context must be mutable. e.g fn proc_name(ctx mut jsonrpc.Context)
    return 'error!'
        "message":"Invalid request.",

Parameter/Payload Handling

Due to the limitations of the language, the payload (aka the param key) is decoded as a raw string. This means that the parsing of data into its appropriate type must be done inside the procedure handler. For strings and primitive arrays (like []string), V-JSONRPC provides functions for it (as_array for array and as_string for string).

fn get_person(ctx mut Context) string {
    // The params is manually decoded into the Person struct
    person := json.decode(Person, ctx.req.params) or {}
    return person.str()

Migration from 0.1

V-JSONRPC 0.2 is different from the previous version when it comes to the function names and the way it is used. If you are using the previous version of V-JSONRPC and want to migrate to the new version, you should do the following:

  • The built-in TCP server has been removed. Use the code from the tcp_example.v to use V-JSONRPC via TCP.
  • register_procedure is now register.

Special thanks

Special huge thanks to spytheman for reviewing and fixing the code!


  1. Fork it (https://github.com/nedpals/v-jsonrpc/fork)
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request


