Primary LanguagePython


This is the official implementation of the TNNLS 2023 paper "Hue Guidance Network for Single Image Reflection Removal".


  1. Prepare the training data as follows:

           |--JPEGImages  # VOC2012 images for synthesis the reflection data 
           |--real_train  # real world reflection images and corresponding GT from previous methods, eg, real, nature 
               |--blended   #   reflection images
               |--transmission_layer   #  ground truth (GT)
  2. training phase

    python train_HGRR.py --name train_DB_wboosting --hyper --inet HGRR_wboosting1128 --lambda_vgg 0.02 --lambda_newloss 50 --lambda_newloss_H 20

  3. evaluation phase

    python test_HGRR.py --name test -r --inet HGRR_wboosting1128 --icnn_path best.pt --hyper

Results & Pre-trained model

Results of Reflection Benchmarks

Pre-trained model


If you have any problem, please feel free to contact me (zyr@mail.ustc.edu.cn).


  • Our codes are inspired by ERRNet