
Taobao System Activity Reporter

Primary LanguageCApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Tsar(Taobao System Activity Reporter) is an system and application monitor tools, such as system info(cpu, load, io), or apps info(nginx, haproxy). The collect data can be stored at local disk, you can also send the data to nagios. It is very convenient to add custom modules for tsar, you just need to write collect function and report function as requested.


Tsar is now available on github, you can clone it and install as follows:

$git clone git://github.com/kongjian/tsar.git
$cd tsar
$make install

or you can just download zip file and install it an follows:

$wget -O tsar.zip https://github.com/alibaba/tsar/archive/master.zip
$unzip tsar.zip
$cd tsar
$make install

after install, some major file is:

  • Tsar configure:/etc/tsar/tsar.conf, tsar main configure file;
  • cron configure:/etc/cron.d/tsar, run tsar collect every minute;
  • logrotate configure:/etc/logrotate.d/tsar rotate log file tsar.data every month;
  • modules path:/usr/local/tsar/modulescontains all modules dynamic library;

Tsar configure

after install, it does not have any data,to check tsar, run tsar -l, see if real-time collection is normal:

[kongjian@v132172.sqa.cm4 tsar]$ tsar -l -i 1
Time              ---cpu-- ---mem-- ---tcp-- -----traffic---- --xvda-- -xvda1-- -xvda2-- -xvda3-- -xvda4-- -xvda5--  ---load-
Time                util     util   retran    pktin  pktout     util     util     util     util     util     util     load1
11/04/13-14:09:10   0.20    11.57     0.00     9.00    2.00     0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00      0.00
11/04/13-14:09:11   0.20    11.57     0.00     4.00    2.00     0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00      0.00

Tsar main config is /etc/tsar/tsar.conf, Often used are;

  • add a module, add mod_<yourmodname> on to config
  • enable or disable a module, use mod_<yourmodname> on/off
  • parameter for a module, use mod_<yourmodname> on parameter
  • output_stdio_mod set which modules will be output to stdio when use tsar
  • output_file_path file to store history data, (you should modify logrotate config /etc/logrotate.d/tsar corresponding it)
  • output_interface specify tsar data output destination. default is local file, nagios/db is to remote, see advanced usage for nagios/db.

Tsar usage

  • see history :tsar
  • -l/--list :list available moudule
  • -l/--live :show real-time info, tsar -l --cpu
  • -i/--interval :set interval for report, tsar -i 1 --cpu
  • --modname :specify module to show, tsar --cpu
  • -s/--spec :specify module detail field, tsar --cpu -s sys,util
  • -d/--date :specify data, YYYYMMDD, or n means n days ago
  • -C/--check :show the last collect data
  • -d/--detail :show the module all fields information
  • -h/--help :show help

Advanced usage

  • output to nagios


add output type output_interface file,nagios at tsar main config

configure nagios server address, port, and send interval time

####The IP address or the host running the NSCA daemon
server_addr nagios.server.com
####The port on which the daemon is running - default is 5667
server_port 8086
####The cycle of send alert to nagios
cycle_time 300

as tsar use nagios passive mode, it need nsca bin and config location

####nsca client program
send_nsca_cmd /usr/bin/send_nsca
send_nsca_conf /home/a/conf/amon/send_nsca.conf

then specify module and field to be checked, there are 4 threshold corresponding to nagios different level

####tsar mod alert config file
####threshold servicename.key;w-min;w-max;c-min;cmax;
threshold cpu.util;50;60;70;80;
  • output to mysql


add output type output_interface file,db at tsar main config

then specify which module will be output:

output_db_mod mod_cpu,mod_mem,mod_traffic,mod_load,mod_tcp,mod_udpmod_io

configure destination address and port

output_db_addr console2:56677

destination listen at specific port, it recv data and flush to mysql, you can use tsar2db: https://github.com/kongjian/tsar2db

module develop

add new module for tsar is a good feature, you can collect your interested data and tsar will handler it for you.

First install tsardevel,make tsardevel will do it

run tsardevel <yourmodname>, you will have an yourmodname dir and init files.

[kongjian@v132172.sqa.cm4 tsar]$ tsardevel test
install:make install
uninstall:make uninstall
[kongjian@v132172.sqa.cm4 tsar]$ ls test
Makefile  mod_test.c  mod_test.conf

modify cread_test_stats set_test_record at test.c after modify, use make;make install to install your mod, run tsar --test to see your data


The homepage of Tsar is at Taocoded: http://code.taobao.org/p/tsar/

Send any question to kongjian@taobao.com