
Official repository of the Alibaba Cloud Client for PHP

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Alibaba Cloud Client for PHP

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Alibaba Cloud Client for PHP Support PHP developers to easily use Alibaba Cloud Services to build powerful and robust applications and software.


You must use PHP5.5.0 or later, if you use the RsaKeyPair (Only Japan station is supported) client, you will also need OpenSSL PHP extension.


  • Use Composer and optimize automatic loading composer dump-autoload --optimize
  • Install cURL 7.16.2 or later version
  • Use OPCache
  • In a production environment, do not use Xdebug


  1. Download and install Composer(Windows user please download and run Composer-Setup.exe)
curl -sS https://getcomposer.org/installer | php
  1. Execute the Composer command, install the newest and stable version of Alibaba Cloud Client for PHP
php -d memory_limit=-1 composer.phar require alibabacloud/client
  1. Require the Composer auto-loading tool
require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'; 


You may create multiple different clients simultaneously. Each client can have its own configuration, and each request can be sent by specified client. Use the Global Client if it is not specified. The client can be created by auto-loading of the configuration files, or created and managed manually. Different types of clients require different Credential,and different Signature algorithms that are selected. You may also customize the client: that is, pass in custom credentials and signatures.

Create the client automatically

If there is ~/.alibabacloud/credentials default INI file (Windows user shows C:\Users\USER_NAME\.alibabacloud\credentials), the program will automatically create clients with the specified type and name. The default file may not exist, but a parse error throws an exception. The client name is case-insensitive, and if the clients have the same name, the latter will override the former. The specified files can also be loaded indefinitely: AlibabaCloud::load('/data/credentials', 'vfs://AlibabaCloud/credentials', ...); This configuration file can be shared between different projects and between different tools. Because it is outside the project and will not be accidentally committed to the version control. Environment variables can be used on Windows to refer to the home directory %UserProfile%. Unix-like systems can use the environment variable $HOME or ~ (tilde).

[global]                           # Global client
enable = true                      # Enable,Enabled by default if this option not present
type = access_key                  # Certification type: access_key
access_key_id = foo                # Key
access_key_secret = bar            # Secret
region_id = cn-hangzhou            # Optional,Region
debug = true                       # Optional,Debug mode will output the details under CLI
timeout = 0.2                      # Optional,Time-out period. if >1, unit is seconds; if<1, unit will be converted to milliseconds by multiplying 1000 automatically
connect_Timeout = 0.03             # Optional,Connection timeout, same as timeout
cert_file = /path/server.pem       # Optional,Certification file
cert_password = password           # Optional,Certification password, can be empty if no password
proxy = tcp://localhost:8125       # Optional,General proxy
proxy_http = tcp://localhost:8125  # Optional,HTTP proxy
proxy_https = tcp://localhost:9124 # Optional,HTTPS proxy
proxy_no = .mit.edu,foo.com        # Optional,Ignored Domain Name by proxy
[client1]                          # Client that is named as `client1`
type = ecs_ram_role                # Certification type: ecs_ram_role
role_name = EcsRamRoleTest         # Role Name
#..................................# As above, other configurations ignored.

[client2]                          # Client that is named as `client2` 
enable = false                     # Disable
type = ram_role_arn                # Certification type: ram_role_arn
access_key_id = foo
access_key_secret = bar
role_arn = role_arn
role_session_name = session_name
#..................................# As above, other configurations ignored.

[client3]                          # Client that is named as `client3`
type = bearer_token                # Certification type: bearer_token
bearer_token = bearer_token        # Token
#..................................# As above, other configurations ignored.

[client4]                          # Client that is named as `client4`
type = rsa_key_pair                # Certification type: rsa_key_pair
public_key_id = publicKeyId        # Public Key ID
private_key_file = /your/pk.pem    # Private Key file
#..................................# As above, other configurations ignored.

AccessKey Client

Setup AccessKey through User Information Management, they have full authority over the account, please keep them safe. Sometimes for security reasons, you cannot hand over a primary account AccessKey with full access to the developer of a project. You may create a sub-account RAM Sub-account , grant its authorization,and use the AccessKey of RAM Sub-account to make API calls.

Sample Code: Create a client with a certification type AccessKey, and set it to the Global Client,that is, a client named as global.

use AlibabaCloud\Client\AlibabaCloud;

AlibabaCloud::accessKeyClient('accessKeyId', 'accessKeySecret')->asGlobalClient();
AlibabaCloud::accessKeyClient('accessKeyId', 'accessKeySecret')->name('global');

STS Client

Sample Code: Create a client with a certification type-STS, please apply for Token maintenance by yourself.

use AlibabaCloud\Client\AlibabaCloud;

AlibabaCloud::stsClient('accessKeyId', 'accessKeySecret','securityToken')

RamRoleArn Client

By specifying RAM Role, the client will be able to automatically request maintenance of STS Token before making a request, and be automatically converted to a time-limited STS client. You may also apply for Token maintenance by yourself before creating STS Client.

Sample Code: Create a client with a certification type RamRoleArn, name it as ramRoleArnClient.

use AlibabaCloud\Client\AlibabaCloud;

AlibabaCloud::ramRoleArnClient('accessKeyId', 'accessKeySecret', 'roleArn', 'roleSessionName')

EcsRamRole Client

By specifying the role name, the client will be able to automatically request maintenance of STS Token before making a request, and be automatically converted to a time-limited STS client. You may also apply for Token maintenance by yourself before creating STS Client.

Sample Code: Create a client with a certification type EcsRamRole, name it as ecsRamRoleClient.

use AlibabaCloud\Client\AlibabaCloud;


Bearer Token Client

If clients with this certification type are required by the Cloud Call Centre (CCC), please apply for Bearer Token maintenance by yourself.

Sample Code: Create a client with a certification type Bearer Token, name it as bearerTokenClient.

use AlibabaCloud\Client\AlibabaCloud;


RsaKeyPair Client

By specifying the public key ID and the private key file, the client will be able to automatically request maintenance of the AccessKey before sending the request, and be automatically converted to a time-limited AccessKey client. Only Japan station is supported.

Sample Code: Create a client with a certification type RsaKeyPair, name it as rsaKeyPairClient.

use AlibabaCloud\Client\AlibabaCloud;

AlibabaCloud::rsaKeyPairClient('publicKeyId', '/your/privateKey.pem')->name('rsaKeyPairClient');

Custom Client

Sample Code: Create a Custom Client, that is, customize credentials and signatures. customization of credentials requires an implementation of CredentialsInterface interface, customization of signatures requires an implementation of Signature interface.

use AlibabaCloud\Client\AlibabaCloud;
use AlibabaCloud\Client\Credentials\AccessKeyCredential;
use AlibabaCloud\Client\Signature\ShaHmac256WithRsaSignature;

AlibabaCloud::client(new AccessKeyCredential('key', 'secret'), new ShaHmac256WithRsaSignature('privateKey')) 

Other Client Operations

    use AlibabaCloud\Client\AlibabaCloud;
    // Create a client, chain calls and set other options.
    AlibabaCloud::accessKeyClient('accessKeyId', 'accessKeySecret')
                ->regionId('cn-hangzhou') // Set the client region. Use this setting if there is a request of using this client and no individual setting is present.
                ->timeout(1) // 1 second timeout. Use this setting if there is a request of using this client and no individual setting is present.
                ->connectTimeout(0.1) // 10 milliseconds of connection timeout. When the units are less than 1, unit will be converted to milliseconds automatically. Use this setting if there is a request of using this client and no individual setting is present.
                ->debug(true) // Enable the debug, the details will be output under CLI. Use this setting if there is a request of using this client and no individual setting is present.
    // Set global Region. When a request and the requested client do not have a region setting yet,the Global Region is used.
    // Get Global Region
    // Get all Clients
    // Get specified client.If not found, throw an exception
    // Get Access Key from the specified client
    // Give a new name for the client
    // Get global defult client region, and so on
    // Determine whether the client with specified name exists
    // Delete a client
    // Clear all client configurations
    // Create the client from the default configuration file. Skip if the file not found, throw an exception if file parsing error present
    // Create the client from the specified configuration file. throw an exception if the file not found or file parsing error present
    AlibabaCloud::load('your/path/file', 'vfs://AlibabaCloud/credentials', '...');
    // Get the AccessKey or STS Access Credentials from a client. Return immediately if the client belongs to the credential
    // Get the AccessKey or STS Access Credentials from a specified client. Return immediately if the client belongs to the credential


Each request supports Chain Settings, Construct Settings, and so on. In addition to the requesting parameters, the Client, Timeout, Region, Debug Mode et al. can be set separately.For the constructing and options() parameters, please refer to: Guzzle Request Options


    use AlibabaCloud\Client\Request\RoaRequest;
    use AlibabaCloud\Client\Request\RpcRequest;
    use AlibabaCloud\Client\Exception\ClientException;
    use AlibabaCloud\Client\Exception\ServerException;
    try {
        // Chain calls and send ROA request
        $roaResult = (new RoaRequest)->client('client1') // Specify client, if not, the global client is used by default
                                     ->product('CS') // Specify product
                                     ->version('2015-12-15') // Specify product version
                                     ->action('DescribeClusterServices') // Specify product interface
                                     ->locationServiceCode('cs') // Set ServiceCode for addressing, optional
                                     ->locationEndpointType('openAPI') // Set type, optional
                                     ->method('GET') // Set request method
                                     ->host('cs.aliyun.com') // Location Service will not be enabled if the Domain name is specified. For example, service with a Certification type-Bearer Token should be specified
                                     ->pathPattern('/clusters/[ClusterId]/services') // Specify path rule with ROA-style
                                     ->connectTimeout(0.1) // 10 milliseconds of connection timeout. When the units < 1, units will be converted to milliseconds automatically
                                     ->timeout(0.1) // 10 milliseconds of timeout. When the units < 1, units will be converted to milliseconds automatically
                                     ->debug(true) // Enable Debug, details will be output under CLI
                                     ->setClusterId('123456') // Assign values to parameters in the path. Method:set + parameters
                                     ->request(); // Make a request and return to result object. The request is to be placed at the end of the setting
        // Chain calls and send RPC request
        $rpcResult = (new RpcRequest)->client('client1') // Specify client, if not, the global client is used by default
                                     ->connectTimeout(0.1) // 10 milliseconds of connection timeout. When the units < 1, units will be converted to milliseconds automatically
                                     ->timeout(0.1) // 10 milliseconds of timeout. When the units < 1, units will be converted to milliseconds automatically
                                     ->debug(true) // Enable Debug, details will be output under CLI
                                     ->request();// Make a request and return to result object. The request is to be placed at the end of the setting

        // Traditional calls and send RPC request
        $request2 = new RpcRequest();
        $result2 = $request2->request();
        // Construct calls and send RPC request
        $request3 = new RpcRequest([
                                     'debug'           => true,
                                     'timeout'         => 0.01,
                                     'connect_timeout' => 0.01,
                                             'query'   => [
                                                   'Product' => 'Cdn',
                                                   'Version' => '2014-11-11',
                                                   'Action'  => 'DescribeCdnService',
        $result3  = $request3->request();
        // Priority of setting
        $result4 = (new RpcRequest([
                                       // All parameters can be set in the constructor function
                                       'debug'           => true,
                                       'timeout'         => 0.01,
                                       'connect_timeout' => 0.01,
                                       'query'           => [
                                          'Product' => 'Cdn',
                                          'Version' => '2014-11-11',
                                          'Action'  => 'DescribeCdnService',
                                                    // All parameters can be also set by Options method or reset
                                                    'query' => [
                                                        'Product'      => 'I will overlay this value of the constructor function',
                                                        'Version'      => 'I am the new added value',
                                                    // The Options method can be called multiple times
                                                    'query' => [
                                                        'Product' => 'I will overlay the previous value',
                                                        'Version' => 'I will overlay the previous value',
                                                        'Action'  => 'I will overlay the previous value',
                                                        'New'     => 'I am the new added value',
                                       ->debug(false) // The last called will overlay the true of the former
                                       ->timeout(0.02) // The last called will overlay the 0.01 of the former
    } catch (ClientException $exception) {
        // Get error message
    } catch (ServerException $exception) {
        // Get error code
        // Get Request Id
        // Get error message
        // Get result object
        // Get response object
        // Get request object


Returned result is not just filed, but the objects with characters like ArrayAccess, IteratorAggregate, Countable, JmesPath et al.


    // Accessing results by objects
    echo $result->RequestId;
    // Accessing results by array
    echo $result['RequestId'];
    // Convert result to array
    // Convert result to Json
    // Result contains some fields
    // Search and match from the result

    // Get a field from the results
    // Count result elements
    // Is the result requested successful
    // Get response from the result
    // Get the request object from the result

Region and Domain

Before sending the detailed request for each product, Alibaba Cloud Client for PHP will find the domain of the product in the region.

Specify the domain for the request

The domain specified must be in the same region as your server, it must also be accessible.

use AlibabaCloud\Client\Request\RpcRequest;

$request = (new RpcRequest())->product('Sts')
                             ->host('sts.ap-northeast-1.aliyuncs.com') // Specify the domain

Add a searchable domain for the addressing service

Before sending the request, you can set a domain in a region for a product. The addressing service will not make a request, but use this domain directly.

use AlibabaCloud\Client\Regions\EndpointProvider;

EndpointProvider::addEndpoint('cn-hangzhou', 'new', 'new.cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com');
