GSoC'23 Mentee @kubearmor | GLCC'23 Mentee @kubewharf | LFX'23 Mentee @karmada-io
Zhejiang UniversityHangzhou, China
zhy76's Following
- aslanpourMonash Uni. & CSIRO
- BlankSpacePlusZhejiang University
- blue-troy
- BSWANG@alibaba
- caohe@bytedance
- cheney-linbytedance
- cnychChina, Chengdu
- csfldfShanghai
- daniel-hutaoMerico
- feiskyer@kubernetes @Microsoft @Azure
- fydgmyundergraduate@SDU postgraduate@ZJU
- halfrost@Kubeflow @CNCF
- houminzByteDance
- jameszhangyukunZhejiang University
- jiengupHuazhong University of Science and Technology
- jthomperoo@businesssimulations
- jwcesign@cloudpilot-ai
- kevin-wangzefengHuawei Technologies Co., Ltd
- luomingmengByteDance
- nimamahmoudiMeta Platforms Inc.
- pendoragon
- Pluviophile225Zhejiang University
- Poor12ByteDance
- qclcZhejiang University
- RuifMaxxBeijing Institute of Technology
- sanposhiho@tetrateio
- sun-yuliangByteDance
- wangxyeZhejiang University
- waynepeking348beijing
- wkd3475Hyperconnect
- wzshiming@DaoCloud
- XiShanYongYe-ChangHuawei Technologies Co., Ltd
- yangchuanshengLabring
- YaoZengzeng@Huawei
- zjutkarma
- zzzzhhbbeijing