Expense Tracker


Expense Tracker tracks user's expenses, using MEAN stack along with Gulp, NPM, Karma, Mochai, Chai.


From within the root directory:

npm install

To run the code locally you need to run Mongod:


You will also need a localserver on port 8000. You can launch the local server with:

npm start

To run tests

npm test


  • Basic functions are done
  • Allow two types of users: regular users and admins
  • Expense record consists of datetime, amount, description, and owned by one user
  • Report view is functional but lacks of by week view, more time and data needed
  • Truly SPA
  • Some tests are provided, due to time limit, test coverage is low
  • 6-7 hours were spent on this, had hard time finding more time and a quiet place to keep woring on the project