recommendation systems for MEng Capstone 21

Primary LanguagePython


A pytorch GPU implementation of He et al. "Neural Collaborative Filtering" at WWW'17

  • Forked repository from guoyang9/NCF.
  • Updated coding style and experiment settings by zhykoties.

How to run new experiments:

[] indicates argparse arguments. See main.py and search_hyperparams.py for details.

  • Put the raw data files under ./data/raw_data/[dataset]
  • Create a new dataloader under ./data/[dataset]/[dataloader]. A dataloader might corresponds to a different set of features for the dataset or different normalization schemes, etc.
  • Put dataset-related parameters in ./data/[dataset]/[dataloader]/params.json. params.json is just a dictionary.
  • Add a new model to ./models if needed, or you can reuse ncf.
  • Create a new folder under experiments/base_model/[dataset]/[dataloader]/[model]. Add params.json to that folder specifying all model-related parameters. Duplicate the same folder under experiments/param_search/[dataset]/[dataloader]/[model].
  • Now, you are ready to run your model:
python main.py --dataset=[dataset] --model=[model] --dataloader=[dataloader] 
  • Do not include --log-output when debugging. Once you are ready to save the results, call the following line instead:
python main.py --dataset=[dataset] --model=[model] --dataloader=[dataloader]  --log-output

Example to run:

See the argparse arguments in main.py and search_hyperparams.py for all available arguments.

python main.py --dataset=ml-1m --model=ncf
python search_hyperparams.py --dataset=ml-1m --model=ncf --gpu-ids=0,1,2

--gpu-ids=0,1,2 in the above command means to use the three GPUs with IDs 0,1,2.

To specify which hyperparameters to search on, edit the dictionary after line 108 in the search_hyperparams.py file. Once run, search_hyperparams.py will create subdirectories under experiments/param_search/[dataset]/[dataloader]/[model]/ with the subdirectory name being the combination of the hyperparameter tested. For results generated by main.py, they are located under experiments/base_model/[dataset]/[dataloader]/[model].

To run on a specific GPU, for example on GPU_ID = 0, use:

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python main.py --dataset=ml-1m --model=ncf

Dataset info

From the official repo: https://github.com/hexiangnan/neural_collaborative_filtering

We provide two processed datasets: MovieLens 1 Million (ml-1m) and Pinterest (pinterest-20).


  • Train file.
  • Each Line is a training instance: userID\t itemID\t rating\t timestamp (if have)


  • Test file (positive instances).
  • Each Line is a testing instance: userID\t itemID\t rating\t timestamp (if have)


  • Test file (negative instances).
  • Each line corresponds to the line of test.rating, containing 99 negative samples.
  • Each line is in the format: (userID,itemID)\t negativeItemID1\t negativeItemID2 ...

Comments from guoyang9

Note that I use the two sub datasets provided by Xiangnan's repo.

I randomly utilized a factor number 32, MLP layers 3, epochs is 20, and posted the results in the original paper and this implementation here. I employed the exactly same settings with Xiangnan, including batch_size, learning rate, and all the initialization methods in Xiangnan's keras repo. From the results I observed, this repo can replicate the performance of the original NCF. Xiangnan's keras repo:

Models MovieLens HR@10 MovieLens NDCG@10 Pinterest HR@10 Pinterest NDCG@10
MLP 0.692 0.425 0.868 0.542
GMF - - - -
NeuMF (without pre-training) 0.701 0.425 0.870 0.549
NeuMF (with pre-training) 0.726 0.445 0.879 0.555

This pytorch code:

Models MovieLens HR@10 MovieLens NDCG@10 Pinterest HR@10 Pinterest NDCG@10
MLP 0.691 0.416 0.866 0.537
GMF 0.708 0.429 0.867 0.546
NeuMF (without pre-training) 0.701 0.424 0.867 0.544
NeuMF (with pre-training) 0.720 0.439 0.879 0.555