
Spatial-Temporal Prediction

Year Title Target Task Target Model Venue Paper
2018 DIFFUSION CONVOLUTIONAL RECURRENT NEURAL NETWORK: DATA-DRIVEN TRAFFIC FORECASTING (DCRNN) Volume Prediction Spatial: Diffusion & Graph Conv; Temporal: GRU based on Graph Conv ICLR Link
2018 Spatio-Temporal Graph Convolutional Networks: A Deep Learning Framework for Traffic Forecasting(STGCN) Volume Prediction Spatial: Graph Conv; Temporal: Gated CNN IJCAI Link
2019 Graph WaveNet for Deep Spatial-Temporal Graph Modeling Volume Prediction Spatial: 2 diffusion + adaptive; Temporal: gated & dilation conv IJCAI Link
2019 Attention Based Spatial-Temporal Graph Convolutional Networks for Traffic Flow Forecasting(ASTGCN) Volume Prediction Spatial & Temporal: Volume to conduct attention; Add feature AAAI Link
2020 Adaptive Graph Convolutional Recurrent Network for Traffic Forecasting(AGCRN) Volume Prediction Learnable pattern pool; Spatial: Embedding matrix mult; Temporal: GRU NIPS Link
2020 Spatial-Temporal Synchronous Graph Convolutional Networks: A New Framework for Spatial-Temporal Network Data Forecasting(STSGCN) Volume Prediction Localized spatial-temporal graph; AAAI Link
2021 MDTP: A Multi-source Deep Traffic Prediction Framework over Spatio-Temporal Trajectory Data(MDTP) Traffic in/out prediction Trajectory as edge and node feature; base GCN & LSTM VLDB Link
2021 Dynamic and Multi-faceted Spatio-temporal Deep Learning for Traffic Speed Forecasting(DMSTGCN) Volume-auxiliaried speed pediction Spatial: Tucker decomposition based dynamic matrix; Temporal: dilation & gated conv; Auxiliary data KDD Link
2021 Gallat: A Spatiotemporal Graph Attention Network for Passenger Demand Prediction Human flow prediction Grid map; classify 3 types of neighbor; No input feature; Spatial attention to 3 neighbors and do GraphSAGE; Temporal do attention to periodical data; predict the out degree ICDE short Link
2021 Origin-Destination Matrix Prediction via Graph Convolution: a New Perspective of Passenger Demand Modeling OD demand prediction Grid map; classify 2 types of neighbor; Spatial attention to 2 neighbors and do GraphSAGE; Temporal LSTM to the output of Spatial attention; predict the OD matrix and in&out demand; Multi-task learning is tricky KDD Link