syncs master openldap server users with any slave openldap server over http, , usefull if you are behind an http proxy and want to achieve centralized authentication.
is a flask api server which receives a bind_dn and password request over the /sync
authenticate with master ldap, once authenticated it will return all the users, this script should be somewhere
reachable by the master openldap server,
contains configurations, ldap_server = 'ldap://ipaddress'
is the master server that the
api server needs to query and authentication to get the users.
send a request to the api to get user and then syncs the users with the local ldap server this
script should be deployed on the client ldap server behind the http
contains the
following configuration:
API_ENDPOINT = "http://master_api_ip/sync" # API server IP
master_bind_dn = 'cn=ldapadm,dc=example,dc=com' # Master Server Bind DN
master_bind_pwd = 'admin' # Master Server Bind PW
operator = '1111' # Operator Name
operation = 'test' # Operation Name
local_ldap_server = 'ldap://local_ldap_ip' # Slave (local) Ldap Server
local_ldap_bind_dn = 'cn=admin,dc=example,dc=com' # Slave (local) Server Bind DN
local_ldap_bind_pwd = 'admin' # Slave (local) Server Bind DN
Note: we use operator and operation to filter out our operations, so we don't return all the users that we have on our ldap server. if you want to change the filter you need to edit
filter = f"(&(objectClass=posixAccount)(operator={operator})(operation={operation}))"
insde the
script, and change the api request body to match your requirements.
is the interface to the ldap server we use it to apply all the logic there, it needs to be on the
Master Api server and on the slave in the same directory.
pip install simplejson
pip install loguru
pip install python-ldap
pip install flask
pip install requests
create an attributes.ldif
file with the following content:
dn: cn=operations,cn=schema,cn=config
objectClass: olcSchemaConfig
cn: operations
olcAttributeTypes: ( 1.2.840.113556.1.4.221
NAME 'operator'
EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch
olcAttributeTypes: ( 1.2.840.113556.1.4.222
NAME 'operation'
EQUALITY caseIgnoreMatch
olcObjectClasses: (
NAME 'operations'
SUP posixAccount
DESC 'Our operations at the operator side'
MAY (operator $ operation))
apply the LDIF file using:
ldapadd -vvv -Y EXTERNAL -H ldapi:/// -f attributes.ldif
each account you want to use should have operations
as object class or else it won't have the custom attributes.