
In this repository we will have both the mobile application and the Raspberry Pi code under respective folder.


This folder is the mobile app. Do not edit unless you work with mobile app.

_ To Run the Mobile App _

We assume you have Node.js installed on your OS, if not download here https://nodejs.org/en/download Choose version v20.12.2 (LTS)

  1. Clone the repository https://github.com/ziamohseni/ii1302-Project.git
  2. After cloning, change your directory to "fss-app". cd fss-app
  3. Run npm install.
  4. In the mean time download the "Expo Go" app from Apple Store or Google Play Note: Expo Go is not working at this stage of the development, it is complex for Expo Go to handle. We are using "Development Build".
  5. Then run npx expo start, after server has started, scan the QR code to open the app.

Technologies used in developing the mobile app

  1. React Native (https://reactnative.dev/docs/getting-started)
  2. React Native Expo (https://docs.expo.dev/)
  3. Firebase Realtime Database, Authentication, Cloud Messaging
  4. JavaScript language

Database data structure for project

  user_id_1: # user_id is "user uid" from the authentication
    first_name: "John"
    last_name: "Doe"
    hubs_owned: ["hub_id_1", "hub_id_2"] # admin can own multiple hubs. * Empty intially. we don't use "null".
    hubs_accessible: ["hub_id_1", "hub_id_2"] # admin has access to all owned hubs
    push_token: "push_token_1"

    first_name: "Jane"
    last_name: "Smith"
    hubs_owned: "null"
    hubs_accessible: ["hub_id_1"] # sub-user has access to specific hubs
    push_token: "push_token_2"

    first_name: "Alice"
    last_name: "Johnson"
    hubs_owned: "null"
    hubs_accessible: ["hub_id_1", "hub_id_2"] # sub-user has access to specific hubs
    push_token: "push_token_3"

    admin: "user_id_1" # direct reference to the user who owns this hub
    users: ["user_id_2", "user_id_3"]
        id: "sensor_id_1"
        type: "motion"
        status: "active"
        triggered: "false"
        last_triggered: "timestamp" # This field is new. implemented for sprint 4
        last_active: "timestamp"
        id: "sensor_id_2"
        type: "window"
        status: "inactive"
        triggered: "false"
        last_triggered: "timestamp"
        last_active: "timestamp"
        id: "sensor_id_3"
        type: "camera"
        status: "active"
        triggered: "false"
        recent_snapshot: {
          url: "url" # URL to storage object (a picture taken when camera is activated by a sensor)
          date_taken: "timestamp" # The date the snapshot was taken
          name: "person_name" # Used for face recognition
        snapshot_history: [
          - url: "url" # URL to storage object (a picture taken when camera is activated by a sensor)
            date_taken: "timestamp"
            name: "person_name"
          - url: "url"
            date_taken: "timestamp"
            name: "person_name"]
    system_status: "armed" # or unarmed (activated / deactivated)
    last_armed: "timestamp"
    push_tokens: ["push_token_1", "push_token_2"]
    system_is_silent: boolean
    system_triggered: boolean
    system_status_changed_by: "user's first_name"


When “system_status” is “armed” we both Raspberry Pi and Mobile app listening to sensors “status”, if some status changes, we take appropriate actions in respective devices.

*** Realtime Database Rule:

This Device rule in Realtime Database was removed. We can add it back if needed and followed. && (data.child('users').hasChild(auth.uid)||data.child('admin').hasChild(auth.uid)||!data.hasChild('admin'))