
Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Project Setup

Installing Requirements

In the main project directory, there should be a requirements.txt file that lists these packages.

To install the required packages, follow these steps:

  1. Have a venv created and activated
  2. Open your terminal or command prompt.
  3. Navigate to the main project directory using the cd command.
  4. Run the following command:
pip install -r requirements.txt

Updating the Requirements File

During development, if you install new packages and want to add them to the requirements.txt file, follow these steps:

  1. Make sure you have installed the new package(s) in your current environment.
  2. Open your terminal or command prompt.
  3. Navigate to the main project directory using the cd command.
  4. Run the following command:
pip freeze > requirements.txt

Dataset Setup

The datasets required for this project are available at the following sources:

Setup Instructions

Create a datasets directory within the src directory of the project. The path should look like this: /ADL_Team_Grey/src/datasets

Then add 2 further directories within datasets, Oxford-3 and Animals-10

Animals10 Dataset

After downloading the Animals10 dataset, locate the raw-img folder within the downloaded archive. Move this folder into the datasets/Animals-10 directory. The final path should look like this: /ADL_Team_Grey/src/datasets/Animals-10/raw-img

Oxford-3 Dataset

After downloading both the annotations and the images, move each folder within /ADL_Team_Grey/src/datasets/Oxford-3

Dataset Setup Verification

After placing the datasets in the designated directories, you can confirm the setup by running a provided verification script. This script checks for the existence of the necessary directories and files.

To run the verification script, follow these steps:

  1. Open your terminal or command prompt.
  2. Navigate to the main project directory /ADL_Team_Grey/ using the cd command.
  3. Execute the verification script with the following command:
python -m src.setup.main

Experiment Tracking

To facilitate experiment tracking, parameter management, and output visualization, we'll be utilizing WandB.

Setup Instructions

  1. Create an Account: Begin by creating an account on WandB.

  2. Provide Username: Send your WandB username to Rich via WhatsApp at +447506219401. Rich will then add you to our organization, granting access to view and add to our experiments.

  3. Install WandB: Install WandB by running the following command in your terminal:

    pip install wandb
  4. Authenticate: After installation, run wandb login in your terminal. This will prompt you to authenticate with your WandB account. Upon successful authentication, you'll be ready to proceed.

Experiment Tracking

  • Initialization: To begin tracking an experiment, include the following line at the top of your experiment script:

    import wandb
    # your models/experiment parameters here
    params = {
    wandb.init(project="mvae", entity="adl_team_grey", config=params)
    • Modify the project parameter to specify the project name. This will allow all runs within a project to be compared (check out the project page in WandB for an example). Ensure entity is kept as "adl_team_grey" to ensure visibility within the team.
  • Logging: Throughout your experiment, use wandb.log() to log relevant metrics and outputs. For example:

    wandb.log({"Epoch Loss": epoch_loss, "Epoch Time": epoch_time})
    • You can log various metrics, including numerical values, text, and even plots. For image outputs, simply log the matplotlib plot object:
    wandb.log({plot_name: plt})
    • Ensure consistency in logged metrics for easier comparison across experiments.

With these steps, you'll effectively track experiments, parameters, and outputs using WandB, facilitating collaboration and analysis within our team.