
A Python application that reads the data from EMS-ESP and the gas meter, recalculates data.

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Gasverbrauch Service Application

A Python application that reads the data from EMS-ESP and the gas meter, recalculates data. Transmits the results as an MQTT message for the Homeassisant application.


Used devices - datasources

ESM-ESP32 Gateway HA-Gasmeter HA-Watermeter


With a simple HTTP request (aioesphomeapi was unstable and poorly documented. therefore switched to simple http request), the data from the gas meter is queried first and if the gas consumption has changed compared to the previous query, then the data from the EMS-ESP32 is queried in a further HTTP request. The gas consumption is then assigned according to the operating mode (heating, boiler) and finally the consumption data is calculated

  1. The fist dataprovider is the gasmeter ESP32 Device. http://gasmeter.local/text_sensor/gasmeterdata

      - platform: template
        id: gasmeterdata
        update_interval: ${update_interval}
        lambda: |-
            char buf[512];
            sprintf(buf, "%.3f|%.3f|%s",
            std::string s = buf;
            return s;

        results = __espdata__(json)
        class __espdata__():
          """data values from the esp device"""
          displayvalue= -1.00
          totalvalue = 0.000
          timestamp = datetime.min
          def __init__(self, data: str = ''):
              """constructor espdata class"""
              if data:
                  items = data.split("|")
                  self.displayvalue = utils.fix_float(float(items[0]))
                  self.totalvalue = utils.fix_float(float(items[1]))
                  self.timestamp = items[2]
  2. The 2nd dataprovider is the EMS-ESP Device http://ems-heizung.lcoal/api/boiler

           "heatingactive": "off",
           "tapwateractive": "off",
           "selflowtemp": 5,
           "selburnpow": 0,
           "heatingpumpmod": 0,
           "outdoortemp": 17.6,
           "curflowtemp": 25.9,
           "burngas": "off",
           "burngas2": "off",
           "flamecurr": 0,
           "heatingpump": "off",
           "fanwork": "off",
           "ignwork": "off",
           "oilpreheat": "off",
           "heatingactivated": "on",
           "heatingtemp": 60,
           "pumpmodmax": 100,
           "pumpmodmin": 10,
           "pumpdelay": 5,
           "burnminperiod": 10,
           "burnminpower": 0,
           "burnmaxpower": 100,
           "boilhyston": -6,
           "boilhystoff": 6,
           "setflowtemp": 0,
           "setburnpow": 0,
           "curburnpow": 0,
           "burnstarts": 5617,
           "burnworkmin": 114284,
           "heatworkmin": 104157,
           "ubauptime": 421173,
           "lastcode": "0Y(276) 24.11.2021 03:51 (0 min)",
           "servicecode": "0H",
           "servicecodenumber": 203,
           "maintenancemessage": "H00",
           "maintenance": "date",
           "maintenancetime": 6000,
           "maintenancedate": "07.07.2023",
           "wwsettemp": 57,
           "wwseltemp": 57,
           "wwtype": "buffer",
           "wwcomfort": "eco",
           "wwflowtempoffset": 40,
           "wwmaxpower": 100,
           "wwcircpump": "off",
           "wwchargetype": "3-way valve",
           "wwhyston": -5,
           "wwhystoff": 0,
           "wwdisinfectiontemp": 70,
           "wwcircmode": "2x3min",
           "wwcirc": "off",
           "wwcurtemp": 53.8,
           "wwcurtemp2": 53.8,
           "wwcurflow": 0,
           "wwstoragetemp2": 53.8,
           "wwactivated": "on",
           "wwonetime": "off",
           "wwdisinfecting": "off",
           "wwcharging": "off",
           "wwrecharging": "off",
           "wwtempok": "on",
           "wwactive": "off",
           "ww3wayvalve": "off",
           "wwsetpumppower": 0,
           "wwstarts": 1106,
           "wwworkm": 10127

    used fields for the calculation:

    heatingactive, ww3wayvalve, tapwateractive, heatworkmin, wwworkm, servicecodenumber, wwdisinfecting, lastcode, espdata.totalvalue

Results Gasverbrauch Service Application

  • MQTT Message

    • Boiler (gas consumption / costs per hour, day, month, year )
    • Heating (gas consumption / costs per hour, day, month, year )
  • GOTIFY Message

    • Monthly summary
    • Error Message
  • DATA Report to CSV File

    • gas counter display value
    • gas consumption
  • DATA TO Influxdb version 1.8.4

    • Boiler (gas consumption / costs per hour, day, month, year )
    • Heating (gas consumption / costs per hour, day, month, year )


  1. Clone the project
  2. Install python requirements
  3. Edit the properties for the configuration
  4. Edit the default values
  5. Set the permissions for the python application
  6. Firs start
root@devhost:  git clone https://github.com/zibous/gasverbrauch.git /opt/gasverbrauch
root@devhost:  cd /opt/gasverbrauch
root@devhost:  sudo pip3 install -r requirements.txt
root@devhost:  cp conf_default.py  config.py
root@devhost:  nano config.py
root@devhost:  nano data/GB172BKG_default.json
root@devhost:  chmod +x app.py
root@devhost:  python3 app.py  ## or ./app.py

Application settings

Strictly required: All variables must contain valid values:

variable remarks
APPS_DESCRIPTION Application short description
APPS_NAME Application name
APPS_VERSION Application version
DATADIR Path to data folder
DATAFILE Data file gasmeter history
REPORTFILE Optional report filename
DATA_HOSTNAME Curren host name
DATA_PROVIDER Homeassistant provided by ...
SMARTMETER_ID Internal used smartmeter identification
SMARTMETER_IDENTIFIER Homeassistant device name
SMARTMETER_MANUFATURER Homeassistant device manufacturer
SMARTMETER_MODEL Homeassistant model name
SMARTMETER_NAME Name of the smartmeter
SMARTMETER_DEVICE The smartmeter ESP Gasmeter device

Date & Time settings

Strictly required: All variables must contain valid values:

variable remarks
DATEFORMAT_CURRENT 2022-03-24 13:47:45.341981
DATEFORMAT_TIMESTAMP 2022-03-24T13:44:42
DATEFORMAT_UTC 2022-03-24T13:47:45Z
DATE_DEFAULT 2022-03-24T13:47:44
DATE_DEFAULT_MIN 1900-01-01T00:00:00
DATE_LIST List names for periodes
DATE_NOW 2022-03-24 13:47:44.332083
TIME_FORMAT 13:47:44

Data provider ESM-ESP Heater & ESP Gasmeter

Strictly required: All variables must contain valid values:

variable remarks
EMS_MODES internal: List for heating status
ESP32_GASMETER_FIELDS ESP32 Gas consumption dataprovider field name

Homeassistant auto discovery (optional)

To turn this off, set set GASMETER_HA_DISCOVERY_TOPIC = None otherwise all variables must contain valid values.

variable remarks
GASMETER_HA_DISCOVERY_ITEMS Filename for the logging discovery items data
GASMETER_HA_DISCOVERY_SAVE If True the data for the discovery items will be saved.
GASMETER_HA_DISCOVERY_TOPIC Homeassistant discovery topic (homeassistant)
GASMETER_HA_ITEM_PREFIX Prefix for Homeassisant sensor name
GASMETER_HA_SECTION Topic section name for mqtt: /gasdata/sensorname

Gotify Messages (optional)

To turn this off, set set GOTIFY_SERVICE = None otherwise all variables must contain valid values.

variable remarks
EMS_ERROR_TEXT GOTIFY Title for error messages
GOTIFY_TITLE GOTIFY Title for info messages

Influxdb (optional)

To turn this off, set set INFLUXDB_HOST = None otherwise all variables must contain valid values.

variable remarks
INFLUXDB_HOST Host or IP Address Influxdb version 1.8.4 (influx.local)
INFLUXDB_LOG_DIR Optional logging folder for the influxdb messages (posts)
INFLUXDB_NAME Database name Influxdb version 1.8.4
GASMETER_MEASUREMENT Influxdb version 1.8.4 Measurement name
INFLUXDB_PASSWORD Influxdb version 1.8.4 User Password
INFLUXDB_PORT Influxdb version 1.8.4 Port
INFLUXDB_USER Influxdb version 1.8.4 Username


If LOG_DIR=None no logfiles will be uses, only messages based on the LOG_LEVEL will be send to the console or syslog.

variable remarks
LOG_DIR disabled LOG_DIR = None
LOG_LEVEL Loglevel settings
LOG_SHOWLINES shows method and line numbers

Mqtt Brocker (optional)

To turn this off, set set MQTTHOST = None otherwise all variables must contain valid values.

variable remarks
MQTTAUTH Mqtt Brocker User and Password
MQTTCLIENT Name for this device
MQTTHOST Hostname or IP Address Mqtt Brocker
MQTTPORT Port Mqtt Brocker
MQTTTOPIC Default Topic for the Mqtt Brocker
MQTT_BASETOPIC Base Topic Mqtt Brocker
MQTT_CHECK_HEARTBEAT_TOPIC Heartbeat Topic Mqtt Brocker
MQTT_CHECK_LWT_TOPIC Last Will (LWT) check topic
MQTT_LWT_TOPIC Last Will (LWT) check topic

Cost calculation (optinal)

To turn this off, set set COST_CALCULATION_ON = False otherwise all variables must contain valid values.

variable remarks
COST_CALCULATION_ON Optional: False = not used

Files and Folders

  • conf.py Application settings
  • app.py Application
  • lib Python3 lib directiory
  • data data folder, holds default, histroy and report data
  • log log folder


  • python 3.9 (min)
  • influxdb==5.3.1
  • paho_mqtt==1.6.1
  • requests==2.25.1
  • importlib_metadata
  • uptime==3.0.1

Continuous Daemon/Service

You most probably want to execute the program continuously in the background. This can be done either by using the internal daemon or cron. Attention: Daemon mode must be enabled in the configuration file (default) - Systemd service - on systemd powered systems the recommended option

    root@devhost: sudo cp /opt/gasverbrauch/service.template \
    root@devhost: sudo systemctl daemon-reload
    root@devhost: sudo systemctl start gasverbrauch.service
    root@devhost: sudo systemctl status gasverbrauch.service
    root@devhost: sudo systemctl enable gasverbrauch.service
    ## or
    root@devhost: bash install_service.sh


name field type
Heizkreis heater_active binary_sensor
Warmwasserboiler boiler_active binary_sensor
Boiler desinfizieren boiler_disinfecting binary_sensor
Boiler desinfizieren Start boiler_disinfecting_start sensor
Boiler desinfizieren Ende boiler_disinfecting_end sensor
Boiler desinfizieren Zeit boiler_disinfecting_sec sensor
Betriebsdauer runnig_total_sec sensor
Betriebsdauer Heizkreis runnig_heater_sec sensor
Betriebsdauer Boiler runnig_boiler_sec sensor
Heizkreis Anteil runnig_heater_ratio sensor
Boiler Anteil runnig_boiler_ratio sensor
Gasverbrauch gesamt gas_total sensor
Gasverbrauch Heizkreis gesamt gas_heater sensor
Gasverbrauch Boiler gesamt gas_boiler sensor
Gasverbrauch Boiler aktuell gasverbrauch_boiler sensor
Gasverbrauch Heizkreis aktuell gasverbrauch_heater sensor
Messzeit elapsed_time sensor
Gas Boiler pro Stunde gas_per_hour.boiler sensor
Gas Heizkreis pro Stunde gas_per_hour.heater sensor
Gas Boilerdesinfizierung pro Stunde gas_per_hour.disinfecting sensor
Gas Boiler pro Tag gas_per_day.boiler sensor
Gas Heizkreis pro Tag gas_per_day.heater sensor
Gas Boilerdesinfizierung pro Tag gas_per_day.disinfecting sensor
Gas Boiler pro Monat gas_per_month.boiler sensor
Gas Heizkreis pro Monat gas_per_month.heater sensor
Gas Boilerdesinfizierung pro Monat gas_per_month.disinfecting sensor
Gas Boiler pro Jahr gas_per_year.boiler sensor
Gas Heizkreis pro Jahr gas_per_year.heater sensor
Gas Boilerdesinfizierung pro Jahr gas_per_year.disinfecting sensor
Kosten Boiler pro Stunde cost_gas_per_hour.boiler sensor
Kosten Heizung pro Stunde cost_gas_per_hour.heater sensor
Kosten Boilerdesinfizierung pro Stunde cost_gas_per_hour.disinfecting sensor
Kosten Boiler pro Tag cost_gas_per_day.boiler sensor
Kosten Heizung pro Tag cost_gas_per_day.heater sensor
Kosten Boilerdesinfizierung pro Tag cost_gas_per_day.disinfecting sensor
Kosten Boiler pro Monat cost_gas_per_month.boiler sensor
Kosten Heizung pro Monat cost_gas_per_month.heater sensor
Kosten Boilerdesinfizierung pro Monat cost_gas_per_month.disinfecting sensor
Kosten Boiler pro Jahr cost_gas_per_year.boiler sensor
Kosten Heizung pro Jahr cost_gas_per_year.heater sensor
Kosten Boilerdesinfizierung pro Jahr cost_gas_per_year.disinfecting sensor
Gasverbrauch aktualisiert dattimestamp sensor

Developer Helper - Create requirements.txt

  root@devhost: bash make_req.sh


marc1de: https://github.com/marc1de

EMS-ESP32: emsesp/EMS-ESP32#399

EMS-ESP: https://bbqkees-electronics.nl