
Visualize constituent and dependency parses as PDF or image formats, through GraphViz.

Primary LanguagePython

Visualize constituent and dependency parses as PDF/images, through GraphViz.
Web interface running at: http://brenocon.com/parseviz/
By Brendan O'Connor (http://brenocon.com)

To use the commandline, put the parse on STDIN and it outputs PDF.
For example,

cat examples/mobydick.heilman | ./parseviz.py
head examples/malt.txt | ./parseviz.py
cat examples/deps10 | ./parseviz.py

Moby Dick hand-parsed tree contributed by Michael Heilman. (http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~mheilman/)

www/ has a CGI wrapper used in http://brenocon.com/parseviz/