
Primary LanguagePerlApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Amazon Pay API Sample Code (Perl)

This Sample Code will allow you to integrate your application with the Amazon Pay v2 API.



git clone https://github.com/amazonpay-labs/amazonpay-sample-perl-v2.git
cd amazonpay-sample-perl-v2

install dependencies of perl modules

# ex.install Crypt for sign
cpan Digest::SHA
cpan Crypt::PK::RSA

This sample code use the following modules.

  • LWP::UserAgent
  • URI::Split qw(uri_split)
  • JSON::PP
  • Digest::SHA qw(sha256_hex)
  • Crypt::PK::RSA
  • MIME::Base64 qw(encode_base64)
  • URI::Escape
  • DateTime


Initiate Client

Before issuing any API call, you will have to create a configuration object and pass this to the constructor of the client class. You can then use the client for any of the following code samples of the Amazon Checkout v2 API.

use lib '.'; # set a signature.pm on the samne directory
use signature;
use Bytes::Random::Secure qw(random_bytes_hex);
use Data::Dumper;

my $client = AmazonPayClient->new(
    region => 'jp', #us/eu/jp
    public_key_id => 'XXX',
    private_key => 'XXX.pem',
    sandbox => 'true'


my $button_signature = $client->generate_button_signature('{"webCheckoutDetails":{"checkoutReviewReturnUrl":"http://XXX"},"storeId":"XXX","scopes":["name","email","phoneNumber","billingAddress"]}');


my $checkoutsessionid = ''; # set a checkoutsessionid

my $getcheckoutsession_response = $client->api_call(
    url_fragment => "checkoutSessions/$checkoutsessionid",
    method => "GET"

Other functions

Please check the testrun.pl


The instance of AmazonPayClient may throw exceptions in case the parameters you specified are wrong, faces network error, and so on. If required, please enclose the process of AmazonPayClient with eval clause and deal with the exception like below.

eval {
    my $client = AmazonPayClient->new(...);
    my $createcheckoutsession_response = $client->api_call(...);
if($@) {
    print "Exception occurs: $@";


Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”).