
A simple but yet powerful Swift Dropdown Notification for iOS inspired by AlvaroFranco but rewritten in Swift 2.2 and extended to offer much more customisation

Version License Platform

Example 1


  • Written in Swift 2.2
  • Customisable Button Alignment (Top, Bottom)
  • Customisable Button Parameters (e.g. Corner Radius, Border Color & Width)
  • Customisable Button Dipslay (only Top, only Bottom, Both)
  • Customisable Icon
  • Customisable Independent Text Color & Size for Title and Subtitle
  • Customisable Background Color or Blur Effect
  • Customisable TapToDismiss Delegate
  • Customisable Animation


To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first.


Requires iOS SDK version > 8.0


EVWDropDownNotification is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod "EVWDropDownNotification"


First import the "EVWDropDownNotification" module:

import EVWDropDownNotification

Then extend your ViewController with the "EVWDropDownNotificationDelegate" and initialise a class variable of type "EVWDropDownNotification":

class ViewController: UIViewController, EVWDropDownNotificationDelegate {

let notification = EVWDropDownNotification()

Implement the 3 Delegate Methods:

func dropdownNotificationBottomButtonTapped() {
  //Do something
  //Dismiss the notification view
func dropdownNotificationTopButtonTapped() {
  //Do something
  //Dismiss the notification view
func dropdownNotificationDismissedWithTap() {
  //Do something

In your ViewDidLoad set the Properties for the Notification (see below for all available properties):

  notification.delegate = self
  notification.image = UIImage(named: "notification")
  notification.bottomButtonText = "Accept"
  notification.topButtonText = "Cancel"
  notification.dismissOnTap = false
  notification.buttonVerticalAligment = .Bottom
  notification.titleText = "Title Here"
  notification.subtitleText = "Message Here" 

Once all properties set, call the following function to display the Notfication:

 * NOTE: always provide the ViewController (self.view.Superview) as first parameter
 notification.presentInView(self.view.superview!, withGravityAnimation: true)


The following public properties are available, please note that some are required and some other are optional because default values have been set:


The only two mandatory properties are the Title and Subtitle of the Notification

  * Title Attributes
  public var titleText:String?
  * Subtitle Attributes
  public var subtitleText:String?


All properties below are optional. !! Note that Buttons will only be displayed if the buttonText is provided !!

  * Padding between elements
  public var paddingBetweenElements:CGFloat = 10
  * Background Color If set, it overwrites the blur effect
  public var backgroundColor:UIColor?
  * Title Properties
  public var titleLabelFontSize:CGFloat = 19
  public var titleLabelColor:UIColor = UIColor.blackColor()
  * Subtitle Propperties
  public var subTitleLabelFontSize:CGFloat = 14
  public var subTitleLabelColor:UIColor = UIColor.blackColor()
  * General Button Properties
  public var buttonFontSize:CGFloat = 13
  public var buttonCornerRadius:CGFloat = 10
  public var buttonBorderWidth:CGFloat = 1
  public var buttonBorderColor:UIColor = UIColor.blackColor()
  public var buttonWidth:CGFloat = 75
  public var buttonHeight:CGFloat = 30
  public var buttonVerticalAligment:ButtonPosition = .Bottom
  * Top Button Properties
  public var topButtonTextColor:UIColor = UIColor.blackColor()
  public var topButtonBackgroundColor:UIColor = UIColor.clearColor()
  * Bottom Button Properties
  public var bottomButtonTextColor:UIColor = UIColor.blackColor()
  public var bottomButtonBackgroundColor:UIColor = UIColor.clearColor()
  * Icon Properties -> Size is squared
  public var imageSquaredSize:CGFloat = 40
  public var image:UIImage?
  * Dismiss On Tap
  public var dismissOnTap:Bool = false


CRE8IT GmbH, Switzerland


EVWDropDownNotification is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.