TRX is a versatile animation framework built with ease of use, powerful features and performance in mind. TRX is inspired by the the excellent JavaScript animation framework GSAP.
- Animate any numerical value
- Chain, overlap and group Tweens into Timelines
- Squeeze and stretch Tweens and Timelines
- Have total control, pause, play, seek any Tween or Timeline
Have a look at Tricks the example app.
Tween any value
Tween(from: 0, to: 20, time: 0.3) {
object.value = $0
or neater...
1.trxTo(20) { object.value = $0 }.start()
Tween Double
, CGFloat
, CGPoint
, CGSize
, CGRect
or even your own type (by extending the Morphable Protocol)
Tween(from: CGPointZero, to: CGPoint(x: 20, y: 15), time: 0.3) {
layer.position = $0
Tween(from: 0,
to: 1,
time: 0.3,
delay: 0.1,
ease: Ease.Elastic.easeOut,
key: "MyOwnKey",
onStart: { print("start") },
onComplete: { done in print("complete and done: \(done)") }) { value in
object.value = value
: Starting value (Morphable
: End value (Morphable
: Duration (NSTimeInterval
: optional Time offset (NSTimeInterval
). Defaults to 0.ease
: optional Timing function (Ease.TimingFunction
). Defaults to Ease.Quad.easeOut.key
: optional Tween key (String
). Any other running animation with the same key will be stopped. Defaults to nil.onStart
: optional Start callback. Defaults to nil.onComplete
: optional Completion callback. Defaults to nil.update
: Update callback
Use a Timeline to chain Tweens or even other timelines
TimeLine(tweens: [
1.trxTo(20) { object.value = $0 },
30.trxTo(40) { object.value = $0 },
Add tween with an overlap
let timeline = TimeLine()
timeline.add(1.trxTo(20) { object.value = $0 })
timeline.add(30.trxTo(40) { anOtherObject.value = $0 }, shift: -0.5)
Squeeze and stretch tweens or timelines
let tween = Tween(from: 0, to: 1, time: 0.5) { print($0) }
tween.scale = 2 // duration: 1s
timeline.duration = 2.0 // scale: 4
Move to a new position
myView.trxCenterTo(CGPoint(x: 10, y: 15))
Move from a position to the current one
Animate frame to a given CGRect
Animate frame from a given CGRect
to the current frame
iOS: 8.4, tvOS: 9.0, Swift
pod "TRX"
Don't forget to add use_frameworks! to the Podfile. Requires CocoaPods 0.36.x or greater. If you need more help use CocoaPods Guides.
Add to your Cartfile:
github "Trxy/TRX"
Specify a dependency in Package.swift
.Package(url: "", majorVersion: 0, minor: 2),
- Download or clone the project
- Build the the preferred target (eg. TRX iOS)
- Locate the framework in finder (from the products group) file and add it to your project.
- Add the framework as a dependency of your target in Build Phases
- Add the framework to “Link Binary with Libraries” and in the “General” tab under “Embedded Binaries”
- In order to distribute your app you need to build it for all possible architectures (armv7, armv7s, arm64, x86, etc)
Contributions and suggestions are welcome!
If you find any problems using TRX feel free to create an issue. Don't forget to add a detailed description and steps to reproduce.
If you'd like to ask a general question use Stack Overflow with tag trx.swift.