
My own concrete design based on SkyCiv S3D analysis output using nodejs

Primary LanguageJavaScript


My own concrete design based on SkyCiv S3D analysis output using nodejs

SkyCiv Beam Calculator, Column Forces Sorter, and Column Interaction diagram generator using ACI 318-14

written by Patrick Aylsworth C. Garcia, MSCE



  • Install Nodejs
  • Install python3
  • npm install


Step 1: From SkyCiv analysis results, select Output -> CSV Results and generate the following csv files: From Model: - Nodes.csv, Members.csv, Sections.csv

From Member Results:
- Bending Moment Z.csv (select All Load Combinations) -> rename to bending_z.csv
- Bending Moment Y.csv (select All Load Combinations) -> rename to bending_y.csv
- Shear Force Z.csv (select All Load Combinations) -> rename to shear_z.csv
- Shear Force Y.csv (select All Load Combinations) -> rename to shear_y.csv
- Axial Force.csv (select All Load Combinations) -> rename to axial.csv
- Torsion Force.csv (select All Load Combinations) -> rename to torsion.csv

Copy all csv files to 'input' folder

Step 2: Edit the section_input.json with the following definition

"1": {					- the section id, should be consistent with properties in Sections.csv
    	"width": 350,			- width of RC section (mm)
    	"depth": 350,			- depth of RC section (mm)
    	"fc": 21,			- concrete compressive strength (MPa)
    	"fy": 275,			- yield strength of longitudinal reinf. (MPa)
    	"fyt": 230,			- yield strength of tranverse reinf. (MPa)
    	"db": 16,			- diameter of longitudinal reinf. (mm)
    	"ds": 10,			- diameter of transverse reinf. (mm)
    	"member_type": "column",	- "column" or "beam"
    	"no_rebar_b": 3,		- for columns only - number of rebar layer parallel to width direction
    	"no_rebar_h": 3			- for columns only - number of rebar layer parallel to depth direction

Step 3: Edit the variable "start_val" in design.js - this will be the first member id on the Members.csv

Step 4: To run, go to directory, open terminal and type node design - take note, nodejs should be installed on your computer.


For Beam Design:

On your terminal, you can obtain the result for beam design as table: image

where: beam_mark - is the member id db - longitudinal reinf. diameter support1_top - number of rebar required on top of support section (A node) support1_bot - number of rebar required on bottom of support section (A node) support2_top - number of rebar required on top of support section (B node) support2_bot - number of rebar required on bottom of support section (B node) midspan_top - number of rebar required on top of midspan section midspan_bot - number of rebar required on bottom of midspan section ds - transverse reinf. diameter spacing - an array of calculated required spacing of stirrups for each specific point [0%, 12.50%, 25%, 37.50%, 50%, 62.50%, 75%, 87.50%, 100%] of member length. Typically, it would be 1 @ 50mm, (2*beam_depth/100) @ 100mm, rest @ displayed maximum spacing to centerline

Results are stored in beam_results.csv for post-processing of the table.

For Column Forces:

In order to easily plot the Pu-Mu forces on column interaction diagram for phiMn about z and phiMn about y, forces are sorted for eact section with Pu, My, and Mz. "member_id Pu My Mz section" "3 90.511 0.034 4.365 column1" "3 88.619 0.113 3.313 column1"

For post-processing, column_forces.csv is generated for plotting of forces in alongside with interaction diagram.

For Column Design:

On your terminal, you can obtain the result for column interaction for phiMn about z and phiMn about y and as table: image

Results are stored in column1.csv (column + member_id) for post-processing and generation of interaction diagram.

Column Interaction Diagram and Shear Envelope

To automatically create the column interaction diagram and shear envelope with the loads:

python column_interaction.py or python3 column_interaction.py

Just install dependencies like pandas etc.


