My own concrete design based on SkyCiv S3D analysis output using nodejs
SkyCiv Beam Calculator, Column Forces Sorter, and Column Interaction diagram generator using ACI 318-14
- Install Nodejs
- Install python3
npm install
Step 1: From SkyCiv analysis results, select Output -> CSV Results and generate the following csv files: From Model: - Nodes.csv, Members.csv, Sections.csv
From Member Results:
- Bending Moment Z.csv (select All Load Combinations) -> rename to bending_z.csv
- Bending Moment Y.csv (select All Load Combinations) -> rename to bending_y.csv
- Shear Force Z.csv (select All Load Combinations) -> rename to shear_z.csv
- Shear Force Y.csv (select All Load Combinations) -> rename to shear_y.csv
- Axial Force.csv (select All Load Combinations) -> rename to axial.csv
- Torsion Force.csv (select All Load Combinations) -> rename to torsion.csv
Copy all csv files to 'input' folder
Step 2: Edit the section_input.json with the following definition
"1": { - the section id, should be consistent with properties in Sections.csv
"width": 350, - width of RC section (mm)
"depth": 350, - depth of RC section (mm)
"fc": 21, - concrete compressive strength (MPa)
"fy": 275, - yield strength of longitudinal reinf. (MPa)
"fyt": 230, - yield strength of tranverse reinf. (MPa)
"db": 16, - diameter of longitudinal reinf. (mm)
"ds": 10, - diameter of transverse reinf. (mm)
"member_type": "column", - "column" or "beam"
"no_rebar_b": 3, - for columns only - number of rebar layer parallel to width direction
"no_rebar_h": 3 - for columns only - number of rebar layer parallel to depth direction
Step 3: Edit the variable "start_val" in design.js - this will be the first member id on the Members.csv
Step 4: To run, go to directory, open terminal and type node design
- take note, nodejs should be installed on your computer.
On your terminal, you can obtain the result for beam design as table:
where: beam_mark - is the member id db - longitudinal reinf. diameter support1_top - number of rebar required on top of support section (A node) support1_bot - number of rebar required on bottom of support section (A node) support2_top - number of rebar required on top of support section (B node) support2_bot - number of rebar required on bottom of support section (B node) midspan_top - number of rebar required on top of midspan section midspan_bot - number of rebar required on bottom of midspan section ds - transverse reinf. diameter spacing - an array of calculated required spacing of stirrups for each specific point [0%, 12.50%, 25%, 37.50%, 50%, 62.50%, 75%, 87.50%, 100%] of member length. Typically, it would be 1 @ 50mm, (2*beam_depth/100) @ 100mm, rest @ displayed maximum spacing to centerline
Results are stored in beam_results.csv for post-processing of the table.
In order to easily plot the Pu-Mu forces on column interaction diagram for phiMn about z and phiMn about y, forces are sorted for eact section with Pu, My, and Mz. "member_id Pu My Mz section" "3 90.511 0.034 4.365 column1" "3 88.619 0.113 3.313 column1"
For post-processing, column_forces.csv is generated for plotting of forces in alongside with interaction diagram.
On your terminal, you can obtain the result for column interaction for phiMn about z and phiMn about y and as table:
Results are stored in column1.csv (column + member_id) for post-processing and generation of interaction diagram.
To automatically create the column interaction diagram and shear envelope with the loads:
or python3
Just install dependencies like pandas etc.