
A JS add-on to instantly make an existing site become responsive

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A JS add-on to adjust layout on mobile devices.
jsmob integration makes an existing site become responsive with a minimum HTML/CSS changes.
Needs jQuery (any version).

For jsmob to work on a HTML page you must:

  • add a <script type="text/javscript" src="path/to/jQuery.any.version.js"> in the <head> element, if not yet
  • add a <script type="text/javscript" src="path/to/jsmob.js"> at the end of the <head> element (or at the end of the <body> element)
    NOTA: in production, you may choose to select jsmob.bare.js or jsmob.min.js instead; those version both don't include some development helpers (see CONFIGURATION OPTIONS below)
  • affect some class names, following the rules below
  • for multi-column parts of the page, drop any float/nest structure if needed (each column must simply be a direct child of its block container, as shown in the example below)


Handling a set of columns (col) in a full-width container (block) requires to use the following class names:

  • a %Block class points out an element having a number of child columns which must change when viewport width varies; such blocks should typically use the whole viewport width (limited to a max-width) and be stacked on the page, both in full and reduced layout
  • a %Break_X class may be applied:
    • to a block, where it defines the breakPoint between layout modes for this block (reduced layout applies from X (included) downwards
      NOTE that you may define different breakpoints for different blocks
    • to the <body> element, as a default value for any block having no %Break_X definition; if omitted at <body> level, default is 480
      In addition, you may simply use the breakpoint query parameter to set the default value (see CONFIGURATION OPTIONS below)
  • a %Col class points out a child column of a block: in reduced layout, these cols are stacked (from top to bottom) in the order defined by the HTML code; all these cols MUST be a set of consecutive siblings; other elements MAY appear before and after this set, and MUST NOT be floating
    NOTE: floating elements may appear inside cols, but must be correctly cleared before the end of the col element
  • a %Width_X class defines an element's nominal OUTER width, in full layout; for a block, it also defines the max-width of the container (default 1024)
  • a %Fixed class points out a fixed-width col; in full layout, other cols widths decrease with viewport width proportionaly
  • a %Col_X class (X: 1-N) indicates the order (from left to right) in which the cols must appear in full layout; if not present, the order will be the same as in reduced layout
    NOTE: in a given block, %Col_X should be set for all or none col; defining it for some but not all cols would lead to unpredictable results
  • %LM_X and %RM_X classes define the left (respectively right) margin for a column; in full layout, these margins also decrease proportionaly with the viewport width, even if %Fixed; in reduced layout, they don't apply
  • a %Auto class points out a block where left/right margins will be computed automatically, using the space left free between block width and the sum of its child columns widths; in this case, any %LM_X and %RM_X are ignored in the child columns
  • a %Pad_X class defines the padding-left and padding-right to apply to a %Block when in reduced layout; may also be applied to the <body> element, as default value for any block having no %Pad_X

IMPORTANT NOTES about cols width computation:

  • since col{display:inline-block;} is used in full layout, remember that adjacent columns margins will NOT collapse
  • the site CSS's has not to define any margin-left or -right for a %Col: these margins should always be set through %LM_X and %RM_X classes
  • at the opposite, the CSS's may freely define cols padding-left or -right, and border-left or -right; in full layout, their dimensions remain constant while viewport width varies; in reduced layout, they are dropped (but padding-left/-right may be applied, as defined by %Pad_X)
  • remember: take these paddings and borders in account when defining "X" in %Width_X




####RESULTING LAYOUT FULL LAYOUT (window.width > 640px) REDUCED LAYOUT +----------------------------------+ +----------------------+ | %Block | | %Block | | […elements…] | | […elements…] | |+----------+----------+----------+| |+--------------------+| || %Col_1 | %Col_2 | %Col_3 || || %Col_2 || || | | || |+--------------------+| |+----------+----------+----------+| || %Col_3 || | […elements…] | |+--------------------+| +----------------------------------+ || %Col_1 || |+--------------------+| | […elements…] | +----------------------+


A %Menu class points out a menu[-wrapper] element which may be, either:

  • a <ul> tag, which is the involved menu base
  • a direct or indirect parent of the involved menu base <ul>

In the latter case, only the first encountered 1st-level <ul> in the scope of the %Menu element will be considered.
If it is not embedded in a %Block element, a %Menu element will automatically become itself a block, whose breakpoint will be set to the default one (see above).

A %Main class may be added to one (and only one) %Menu: in reduced layout, this menu is replaced by a "commander" button like , which toggles the 1st level options visibility (options are stacked when visible).
For other menus, 1st level options remain always visible.

In any case, each 1st-level option have a drop-down toggle button in front of it when it has 2nd-level options.
Main menu is intended for a horizontal menu, while simple menu behaviour is particularly suitable for vertical menus.
CAUTION: a menu may have no more than 2 levels.


Adding a %Zoom class to an <img> tag (or to an element having one or more direct or indirect <img> children) forces the image(s) to zoom-out when the viewport width decreases.
CAUTION: if the source image is bigger than its nominal display size in full layout, you must also add a %Width_X class (see above); otherwise the image's intrinsic width will be used.
NOTE: images processing remains independant from any breakpoint; a %Zoom'ed image simply follows its container width.


A %Opt class points out an element (block, image, menu-wrapper) which is considered as optional, and will disappear in reduced layout.


####CLASS NAMES The "%" prefix, used by default, may be replaced by any prefix of your choice (see CONFIGURATION OPTIONS below).
For those classes which define dimensions or numbers, the "_" separator may be replaced by "-", or omitted; so %Col-2 and %Col2 are equivalent to %Col_2.

####CLASSES USAGE SUMMARY +--------------possible target---------------+ | | Block | Col | Menu | Zoom | | ---------+--------+-------+-----+------+------+-------+ %Auto | | x | | | | | %Break_X | x | x | | x | | | %Col_X | | | x | | | | %Fixed | | | x | | | | %Main | | | | x | | | %LM_X | | | x | | | | %Opt | | x | x | x | x | x | %Pad_X | x | | | | | | %RM_X | | | x | | | | %Width_X | x | x | x | | | x |

####CONFIGURATION OPTIONS Options may be set using query parameters in the path of the <script> tag used to include jsmob, i.e.: <script type="text/javascript" src="path/to/jsmob.js?opt1=val1&opt2=val2…">

The following options are available in any jsmob version:

  • baseWidth=… : … is the (px) value for the default block width
  • breakPoint=… : … is the (px) value for the default breakpoint
  • cssTimeout=… : … is the (ms) delay before launching window.resize() [see also CAVEAT]
  • padding=… : … is the (px) value for padding-left/-right of a block in reduced layout
  • prefix=… : … is any string of your choice, which is substituted to "%"
  • vscroll=0 : suppress vertical scroll-bar (useful to simulate a mobile while on desktop)

These options are available in jsmob.js version only:

  • debug=1 : some useful informations are displayed in the console
  • liveshow=1 : adds an indicator to each element having a class like %Block, %Col, %Menu, %Zoom; it displays real-time the current element's width, and its title summarizes its "%" classes

####CAVEAT Depending on the complexity of the native CSS and/or the number and weight of images included, you may observe some layout inconsistencies (e.g.: column width set to a greater value than stated by %Width!).
It comes from the fact that the current value of cssTimeout may be too short to allow browser to achieve CSS analysis before jsmob begins %classes analysis. A notable issue happens when using em's to define padding-left/right: then jsmob may begin analyzing when the final font-size has not been defined yet.
You may consider to increase the cssTimeout parameter value till all work fine.