
Collaborate on text documents like a pro with our collaborative text editor project! Our Java-based application, using Swing for the user interface and RabbitMQ for communication, enables multiple users to edit a document simultaneously in real-time. The RabbitMQ queues are used for asynchronous communication, ensuring that the application scales.

Primary LanguageJava

Collaborative Text Editor

This project is a collaborative text editor similar to the one that Google Docs provides. It allows multiple users to edit a document simultaneously and see each other's changes in real-time. The application was developed using Java, Swing, and RabbitMQ.


  • Multiple users can edit the same document at the same time.
  • Changes made by one user are immediately visible to all other users in real-time.
  • Users can see which part of the document other users are currently editing.
  • The application uses RabbitMQ for message queuing to ensure asynchronous communication between users. ( we send real time positions of users on the file, notifications about insertion, deletion positions and letting others write )
  • Two versions of the application are provided: one with full lock, where only one user can edit the document at a time, and another with loose lock, where multiple users can edit different parts of the document simultaneously.

How to Use

To use the application, simply run the Main class. Upon starting the application, the user will be given an unique ID. Once a username is entered, the user will be taken to the main screen where a document is created. Happy collaborative editing!


Future Work

  • Detect deadlock and give the right to write for a random user that requested it.
  • Implement more advanced features such as user authentication and file versioning.
  • Improve the user interface to make it more intuitive and user-friendly.
  • Optimize the performance of the application to support larger documents and more users.