Easy Videos Wordpress Plugin

Framework :


Tasks Done

  • Initialize Plugin
  • Extend MVC file to Plugin
  • Create Video Post Type
  • Fetch Videos
  • Save Each video as post type
  • Add Admin Page for Youtube video Importing
  • Add Style
  • Support Link in Search Box
  • Fetch Youtube Search from channel / User
  • Display Video on table by Title , picture and description + Style
  • Display Post on Frontend
  • Use Dynamic Prefix
  • Check If Framework is installed
  • Save API key in safe place
  • Add paginations
  • Run Wordpress by Docker
  • Set the number of result page in Configuration place
  • Set Api key and page number in other place (add new coinfiguration page)
  • Watch Video and vidoe List only for connected user

How to use

  • Install TypeRocket Plugin : Download Here , And check Documentation
  • run composer install in this directory in server or run it and upload vendor folder
  • Enjoy :-)

Run Using Docker

  • Download TypeRocket Plugin and extract zip file
  • Set the path of Typerocket Extension in docker-compose.yml in the section of wordpress->volumes Volume 2 (# TypeRocket Extension)
  • You can Update the physical path of wordpress installation in docker-compose.yml of wordpress->volumes Volume 3
  • You can add also Your theme and other custom extension by adding new volumes
  • Run docker-compose up
  • Wordpress Link will be => http://localhost:8080
  • PhpMyAdmin Link will be => http://localhost:8081
  • Enjoy :-)
