
python client library for selectel api

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT



Simple python module which provide access to selectel cloud services.

Selectel Cloud Storage

Creating and dropping containers

For handle containers you should use global selectel credentials:

>>> from selectel.storage import Storage
>>> storage = Storage(auth, key)

You can create public and private containers with specific headers:

>>> storage.create("mycontainer")
>>> headers = {"X-Container-Meta-Access-Control-Request-Method": "HEAD, GET"}
>>> storage.create("mypubliccontainer", public=True, headers=headers)

and drop it:

>>> storage.drop("mypubliccontainer")

Use storage.drop("mypubliccontainer", recursive=True) for dropping nonempty container.

Working with objects inside container

For working with objects you can use container specific credentials:

>>> from selectel.storage import Container
>>> container = Container(auth_container, key_container, "mycontainer")

You can add objects from content:

>>> container.put("/test1.file", b"something")

from file:

>>> container.put_file("/test2.file", "./test.zip")

or from readable stream:

>>> container.put_stream("/dir/test3.file", open("./test.zip", "r+b"))

Optionally you can add specific headers:

>>> container.put_stream("/dir/test3.file", open("./test.zip", "r+b"), headers={"Content-Type": "application/zip"})

Also you can use put* commands to extract archives(tar, tar.gz, tar.bz2) to container, e.g.:

>>> container.put_file("/dir", "archive.tar.gz", extract="tar.gz")
(18, [])

In this case put command returns count of created(overwritten) files and list of errors.

API allows to get some info about container and objects inside it:

>>> container.list().keys()
[u'/test1.file', u'/dir/test3.file', u'/test2.file']
>>> container.list("/dir").keys()
>>> container.list("/").keys()
[u'/test1.file', u'/test2.file']
>>> container.list("/dir")["/dir/test3.file"]
{'hash': u'29dc385f67f38be9bddac38785aea25d', 'content-length': 101974, 'content-type': u'application/zip', 'last-modified': datetime.datetime(2013, 11, 12, 13, 31, 56, 527830)}
>>> container.info()
{'count': 3, 'usage': 203957, 'rx': 512219, 'public': False, 'tx': 126390}
>>> container.info("/dir/test3.file")
{'downloads': 0, 'last-modified': datetime.datetime(2013, 11, 12, 13, 31, 56), 'content-length': 101974, 'hash': '29dc385f67f38be9bddac38785aea25d', 'content-type': 'application/zip'}

You can get content of object as string:

>>> container.get("/test1.file")

or as stream:

>>> for chunk in container.get_stream("/test2.file", chunk=2**15):
...     print len(chunk)

And last that you can do:

>>> container.copy("/dir/test3.file", "/test4.file")
>>> container.list("/").keys()
[u'/test4.file', u'/test1.file', u'/test2.file']
>>> container.remove("/test1.file")
>>> container.list("/").keys()
[u'/test4.file', u'/test2.file']

Running tests

Add file tests/credentials.json with your credentials:

	"auth": "my-selectel-login",
	"key": "my-selectel-password"

Then, run
