This is a plugin for uploading files to Cloudinary via Uppy. I have added my own modification from the original
Install via NPM:
npm install --save @zifahm/uppy-cloudinary
Use it in your project:
// Import via ES Modules
import CloudinaryPlugin from '@zifahm/uppy-cloudinary';
// Or Common JS
const CloudinaryPlugin = require('@zifahm/uppy-cloudinary');
// Use it on your Uppy instance
uppy.use(CloudinaryPlugin, {
uploadPreset:"as3dhc"; // not required eg: uploadPreset:"presetName"
folder: "folderName"; // not required eg: folder:"folderName"
tags: "tag1,tag2,tag3"; // not required eg: tags:"tag1,tag2,tag3"
cloudName: "cloud-naem"; // your cloud name in cloudinary admin dashboard
apiKey: "a12p23i11k12d"; // your apiKey in cloudinary admin dashbard
userId:"asdf1234"; // a context object eg: userId: "asdf124"
generateSignature: function generateSignature(paramsToSign) {
const { upload_preset, folder, tags, userId, timestamp, source } = paramsToSign
// Include your own signature generation logic here.
// generate a signature with using a rest api or graphql
const signature = client.query({
/* eg server side signature generating function
const signature = await cloudinary.utils.api_sign_request({
timestamp: timeStamp,
upload_preset: upload_preset,
context: `userId=${userId}`,
return signature
return signature;
adding the userId in your api_sign_request funciton should be on a context
The plugin supports the following Cloudinary options:
* uploadPreset: string; // optional
* folder: string; // optional
* tags: string; // optional
* userId: string; // optional
* cloudName: string;
* apiKey: string;
In addition, it supports the following options:
Accepts one argument, which is the parameters to sign, as an object.
Returns a signature string. See the Cloudinary docs for instructions on how to generate a signature
The following are the properties contained in signParam object
* folder: string; // optional
* tags: string; // optional
* userId: string; // optional
* timestamp: number;
* source: string
There are a lot of Cloudinary features we didn’t include, since this plugin was largely made to serve our current needs. If you would like to improve this plugin and/or add more features, please submit a pull request.