This is a NETCONF Java library, and then we plan to support devices from multiple companies using the NETCONF protocol, such as: Huawei firewall.
This repository is forked from Juniper/netconf-java, after a series of refactoring and adding new features, it's now maintained by zifangsky.
To report bug-fixes, issues, suggestions, please visit Issues.
- OpenJDK 8 or Java 8
- Maven if you want to build using
[Supported from v2.1.1]. - lombok needs to be provided by the runtime (
mvn dependency scope
is set asprovided
- Download Source Code for the required release
- Compile the code and install the jar to maven local repository, using
mvn install
- Use the netconf-client dependency file from maven local repository
The basic RPC operations related to NETCONF protocol, you can refer to the cn.zifangsky.netconf.core.RpcManager
interface, such as:
* 返回与 Netconf 是否还保持连接状态
* @author zifangsky
* @date 2021/2/8
* @since 1.0.0
* @return return true if connected
* @throws IOException If there are errors communicating with the netconf server.
boolean isConnected() throws IOException;
* 从Netconf session获取 sessionId
* @author zifangsky
* @date 2021/2/8
* @since 1.0.0
* @return Session ID
* @throws IOException If there are errors communicating with the netconf server.
String getSessionId() throws IOException;
* 发起一个RPC请求
* @author zifangsky
* @date 2021/2/8
* @since 1.0.0
* @param rpcContent RPC content
* @return RPC reply sent by Netconf server
* @throws IOException If there are errors communicating with the netconf server.
String executeRpc(String rpcContent) throws IOException;
* 发起一个RPC请求
* @author zifangsky
* @date 2021/2/8
* @since 1.0.0
* @param rpcContent RPC content
* @return RPC reply sent by Netconf server as a BufferedReader. This is
* useful if we want continuous stream of output, rather than wait
* for whole output till rpc execution completes.
* @throws IOException if there are errors communicating with the Netconf server.
BufferedReader executeRpcRunning(String rpcContent) throws IOException;
* 执行一个<cli>命令
* @author zifangsky
* @date 2021/2/8
* @since 1.0.0
* @param command the cli command to be executed.
* @return result of the command, as a String.
* @throws IOException If there are errors communicating with the netconf server.
String runCliCommand(String command) throws IOException;
* 执行一个<cli>命令
* @author zifangsky
* @date 2021/2/8
* @since 1.0.0
* @param command the cli command to be executed.
* @return result of the command, as a BufferedReader. This is
* useful if we want continuous stream of output, rather than wait
* for whole output till command execution completes.
* @throws IOException If there are errors communicating with the netconf server.
BufferedReader runCliCommandRunning(String command) throws IOException;
* 执行<get>命令,示例:
* <get>
* <filter type="subtree">
* <top xmlns="">
* <interfaces>
* <interface>
* <ifName>eth0</ifName>
* </interface>
* </interfaces>
* </top>
* </filter>
* </get>
* <p>Retrieve running configuration and device state information.</p>
* @author zifangsky
* @date 2021/2/9
* @since 1.0.0
* @param filterTree filter正文部分
* @return result of the command, as a String.
* @throws IOException If there are errors communicating with the netconf server.
String get(String filterTree) throws IOException;
* 执行<get-config>命令,示例:
* <get-config>
* <source>
* <running/>
* </source>
* <filter type="subtree">
* <top xmlns="">
* <users/>
* </top>
* </filter>
* </get-config>
* <p>Retrieve all or part of a specified configuration datastore.</p>
* @author zifangsky
* @date 2021/2/8
* @since 1.0.0
* @param source source节点
* @param filterTree filter正文部分
* @return result of the command, as a String.
* @throws IOException If there are errors communicating with the netconf server.
String getConfig(TargetEnums source, String filterTree) throws IOException;
* 获取 candidate 配置
* @author zifangsky
* @date 2021/2/8
* @since 1.0.0
* @param filterTree filter正文部分
* @return configuration data as a string.
* @throws IOException If there are errors communicating with the netconf server.
String getCandidateConfig(String filterTree) throws IOException;
* 获取 running 配置
* @author zifangsky
* @date 2021/2/8
* @since 1.0.0
* @param filterTree filter正文部分
* @return configuration data as a string.
* @throws IOException If there are errors communicating with the netconf server.
String getRunningConfig(String filterTree) throws IOException;
* 执行<edit-config>命令,默认source为running
* @author zifangsky
* @date 2021/2/8
* @since 1.0.0
* @param configTree config正文部分
* @return result of the command, as a String.
* @throws IOException If there are errors communicating with the netconf server.
String editRunningConfig(String configTree) throws IOException;
* 执行<edit-config>命令,示例:
* <edit-config>
* <target>
* <running/>
* </target>
* <config xmlns:xc="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0">
* <top xmlns="">
* <interface xc:operation="replace">
* <name>Ethernet0/0</name>
* <mtu>1500</mtu>
* <address>
* <name></name>
* <prefix-length>24</prefix-length>
* </address>
* </interface>
* </top>
* </config>
* </edit-config>
* <p>The <edit-config> operation loads all or part of a specified
* configuration to the specified target configuration datastore.
* This operation allows the new configuration to be expressed in
* several ways, such as using a local file, a remote file, or
* inline. If the target configuration datastore does not exist, it
* will be created.
* </p>
* <p>If a NETCONF peer supports the :url capability (, the
* <url> element can appear instead of the <config> parameter.
* </p>
* <p> The device analyzes the source and target configurations and
* performs the requested changes. The target configuration is not
* necessarily replaced, as with the <copy-config> message. Instead,
* the target configuration is changed in accordance with the
* source's data and requested operations.
* </p>
* @author zifangsky
* @date 2021/2/8
* @since 1.0.0
* @param target target节点
* @param configTree config正文部分
* @return result of the command, as a String.
* @throws IOException If there are errors communicating with the netconf server.
String editConfig(TargetEnums target, String configTree) throws IOException;
* 执行<edit-config>命令,示例:
* <edit-config>
* <target>
* <running/>
* </target>
* <default-operation>none</default-operation>
* <error-option>rollback-on-error</error-option>
* <config xmlns:xc="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0">
* <top xmlns="">
* <interface xc:operation="delete">
* <name>Ethernet0/0</name>
* </interface>
* </top>
* </config>
* </edit-config>
* @author zifangsky
* @date 2021/2/8
* @since 1.0.0
* @param target target节点
* @param defaultOperation default-operation节点
* @param testOption test-option节点
* @param errorOption error-option节点
* @param configTree config正文部分
* @return result of the command, as a String.
* @throws IOException If there are errors communicating with the netconf server.
String editConfig(TargetEnums target, DefaultOperationEnums defaultOperation,
TestOptionEnums testOption, ErrorOptionEnums errorOption, String configTree) throws IOException;
* 执行<copy-config>命令,示例:
* <copy-config>
* <target>
* <startup/>
* </target>
* <source>
* <running/>
* </source>
* </copy-config>
* <p>Create or replace an entire configuration datastore
* with the contents of another complete configuration datastore. If
* the target datastore exists, it is overwritten. Otherwise, a new
* one is created, if allowed.
* </p>
* <p>If a NETCONF peer supports the :url capability (, the
* <url> element can appear as the <source> or <target> parameter.
* </p>
* @author zifangsky
* @date 2021/2/9
* @since 1.0.0
* @param source source节点
* @param target target节点
* @return true if successful.
* @throws IOException If there are errors communicating with the netconf server.
boolean copyConfig(TargetEnums target, TargetEnums source) throws IOException;
* 执行<copy-config>命令,示例:
* <copy-config>
* <target>
* <running/>
* </target>
* <source>
* <url></url>
* </source>
* </copy-config>
* @author zifangsky
* @date 2021/2/9
* @since 1.0.0
* @param sourceUrl sourceUrl
* @param target target节点
* @return true if successful.
* @throws IOException If there are errors communicating with the netconf server.
boolean copyConfig(TargetEnums target, String sourceUrl) throws IOException;
* 执行<delete-config>命令,示例:
* <delete-config>
* <target>
* <startup/>
* </target>
* </delete-config>
* <p>Delete a configuration datastore. The <running> configuration datastore cannot be deleted.
* </p>
* <p>If a NETCONF peer supports the :url capability (, the
* <url> element can appear as the <source> or <target> parameter.
* </p>
* @author zifangsky
* @date 2021/2/9
* @since 1.0.0
* @param target target节点
* @return true if successful.
* @throws IOException If there are errors communicating with the netconf server.
boolean deleteConfig(TargetEnums target) throws IOException;
* 加锁
* @author zifangsky
* @date 2021/2/8
* @since 1.0.0
* @return true if successful.
* @throws IOException If there are issues communicating with the netconf server.
boolean lock() throws IOException;
* 加锁,示例:
* <lock>
* <target>
* <running/>
* </target>
* </lock>
* <p>The <lock> operation allows the client to lock the entire configuration datastore system of a device.
* Such locks are intended to be short-lived and allow a client to make a change without fear of
* interaction with other NETCONF clients, nonNETCONF clients (e.g., SNMP and command line interface (CLI)
* scripts), and human users.
* </p>
* <p>An attempt to lock the configuration datastore MUST fail if an existing session or other entity holds
* a lock on any portion of the lock target.
* </p>
* <p>When the lock is acquired, the server MUST prevent any changes to the locked resource other than those
* requested by this session. SNMP and CLI requests to modify the resource MUST fail with an
* appropriate error.
* </p>
* @author zifangsky
* @date 2021/2/8
* @since 1.0.0
* @param source source节点
* @return true if successful.
* @throws IOException If there are issues communicating with the netconf server.
boolean lock(TargetEnums source) throws IOException;
* 解锁
* @author zifangsky
* @date 2021/2/8
* @since 1.0.0
* @return true if successful.
* @throws IOException If there are issues communicating with the netconf server.
boolean unlock() throws IOException;
* 解锁,示例:
* <lock>
* <target>
* <running/>
* </target>
* </lock>
* <p>The <unlock> operation is used to release a configuration lock, previously
* obtained with the <lock> operation.
* </p>
* <p>An <unlock> operation will not succeed if either of the following
* conditions is true:
* <ul>
* <li>The specified lock is not currently active.</li>
* <li>The session issuing the <unlock> operation is not the same session that obtained the lock.</li>
* </ul>
* </p>
* @author zifangsky
* @date 2021/2/8
* @since 1.0.0
* @param source source节点
* @return true if successful.
* @throws IOException If there are issues communicating with the netconf server.
boolean unlock(TargetEnums source) throws IOException;
* 提交,示例:
* <commit/>
* <p> When the candidate configuration's content is complete, the
* configuration data can be committed, publishing the data set to
* the rest of the device and requesting the device to conform to
* the behavior described in the new configuration.
* </p>
* <p>To commit the candidate configuration as the device's new current configuration, use the <commit> operation.</p>
* @author zifangsky
* @date 2021/2/8
* @since 1.0.0
* @return true if successful.
* @throws IOException If there are errors communicating with the netconf server.
boolean commit() throws IOException;
* 确定并提交,示例:
* <commit>
* <confirmed/>
* <confirm-timeout>120</confirm-timeout>
* </commit>
* @author zifangsky
* @date 2021/2/8
* @since 1.0.0
* @return true if successful.
* @param confirmTimeout Timeout period for confirmed commit, in seconds. If unspecified, the confirm timeout defaults to 600 seconds.
* @throws IOException If there are errors communicating with the netconf server.
boolean commitConfirm(int confirmTimeout) throws IOException;
* 验证,示例:
* <validate>
* <source>
* <candidate/>
* </source>
* </validate>
* <p>This protocol operation validates the contents of the specified configuration.</p>
* @author zifangsky
* @date 2021/2/8
* @since 1.0.0
* @param source Name of the configuration datastore to validate, such as <candidate>, or the <config> element containing the complete
* configuration to validate.
* @return true if the device was able to satisfy the request.
* @throws IOException If there are errors communicating with the netconf server.
boolean validate(TargetEnums source) throws IOException;
* 优雅地关闭 NETCONF 会话,示例:
* <close-session/>
* <p>When a NETCONF server receives a <close-session> request, it will
* gracefully close the session. The server will release any locks
* and resources associated with the session and gracefully close any
* associated connections. Any NETCONF requests received after a
* <close-session> request will be ignored.
* </p>
* @author zifangsky
* @date 2021/2/8
* @since 1.0.0
* @return true if successful.
* @throws IOException If there are errors communicating with the netconf server.
boolean closeSession() throws IOException;
* 强制关闭 NETCONF 会话,示例:
* <kill-session>
* <session-id>4</session-id>
* </kill-session
* <p>When a NETCONF entity receives a <kill-session> request for an
* open session, it will abort any operations currently in process,
* release any locks and resources associated with the session, and
* close any associated connections.
* </p>
* <p>If a NETCONF server receives a <kill-session> request while
* processing a confirmed commit (Section 8.4), it MUST restore the
* configuration to its state before the confirmed commit was issued.
* </p>
* <p>Otherwise, the <kill-session> operation does not roll back
* configuration or other device state modifications made by the
* entity holding the lock.
* </p>
* @author zifangsky
* @date 2021/2/8
* @since 1.0.0
* @param sessionId Session identifier of the NETCONF session to be terminated.
* If this value is equal to the current session ID, an "invalid-value" error is returned.
* @return true if successful.
* @throws IOException If there are errors communicating with the netconf server.
boolean killSession(int sessionId) throws IOException;
* 检查RPC请求的返回报文是否执行成功
* @author zifangsky
* @date 2021/2/9
* @since 1.0.0
* @param rpcReply RPC请求的返回报文
* @return boolean
* @throws IOException If there are errors communicating with the netconf server.
boolean checkIsSuccess(String rpcReply) throws IOException;
For how to interact with the device through the NETCONF protocol, you can refer to the following examples and other test classes in the src/test/java/cn/zifangsky/netconf
private static final String TEST_HOSTNAME = "";
private static final String TEST_USERNAME = "netconf";
private static final String TEST_PASSWORD = "admin123456";
private static final int DEFAULT_NETCONF_PORT = 830;
private static RpcManager rpcManager;
public static void init() throws NetconfException {
Device device = DefaultDevice.builder()
rpcManager = new SingleDeviceRpcManager(device);
* 测试连接情况
public void GIVEN_requiredParameters_THEN_createDevice() throws IOException {
System.out.println(rpcManager.getSessionId() + ": " + rpcManager.isConnected());
* 查看安全策略配置
public void getConfigSecPolicy() throws Exception {
String xml = rpcManager.executeRpc("<get-config><source><running/></source><filter type=\"subtree\"><sec-policy xmlns=\"urn:huawei:params:xml:ns:yang:huawei-security-policy\"></sec-policy></filter></get-config>");
For more information about the NETCONF protocol, please refer to:
zifangsky, Ankit Jain, Juniper Networks Peter J Hill, Oracle