Bumblebee app registry
CLI tool that helps to manage Bumblebee applications
git clone https://github.com/ziflex/bumblebee-cli
cd ./bumblebee-cli
make install
Register application and add prefix to dedicated .desktop
bumblebee-cli add atom
It is possible to pass as many application names as needed
bumblebee-cli add atom gogland telegram slack
Unregister application and remove prefix from dedicated .desktop
bumblebee-cli remove atom
It is possible to pass as many application names as needed
bumblebee-cli remove atom gogland telegram slack
Check what apps are registered and whether they are synced with their dedicated .desktop
bumblebee-cli ls
See all apps in system and whether they are registered
bumblebee-cli ls -a
Update files of registered apps
bumblebee-cli sync
Use another prefix
bumblebee-cli setting set prefix optirun