Package in Go for parsing Google Protocol Buffers [.proto files version 2 + 3] (
This repository also includes 2 commands. The protofmt
tool is for formatting .proto files and the proto2xsd
tool is for generating XSD files from .proto version 3 files.
usage as package
package main
import (
func main() {
reader, _ := os.Open("test.proto")
defer reader.Close()
parser := proto.NewParser(reader)
definition, _ := parser.Parse()
formatter := proto.NewFormatter(os.Stdout, " ")
usage of proto2xsd command
> proto2xsd -help
Usage of proto2xsd [flags] [path ...]
-ns string
namespace of the target types (default "")
-w write result to an XSD files instead of stdout
See folder cmd/proto2xsd/
for more details.
usage of proto2gql command
> proto2gql -help
Usage of proto2gql [flags] [path ...]
Writes transformed files to stdout
-txt_out string
Writes transformed files to .graphql file
-go_out string
Writes transformed files to .go file
-js_out string
Writes transformed files to .js file
-package_alias value
Renames packages using given aliases
-resolve_import value
Resolves given external packages
Disables package prefix for type names
See folder cmd/proto2gql/
for more details.
usage of protofmt command
> protofmt -help
Usage of protofmt [flags] [path ...]
-w write result to (source) files instead of stdout
See folder cmd/protofmt/
for more details.
how to install
go get -u -v
© 2017, MIT License. Contributions welcome.