
Primary LanguageJavaScript

System Architecture for RoamRivals using MERN Stack

The MERN stack consists of MongoDB, Express.js, React Native, and Node.js. Below is a high-level system architecture to help you build RoamRivals.

1. Frontend (React Native)

  • User Interface: Build a responsive UI for students to register, participate in competitions, and plan trips.
  • Components:
    • Registration and Login -> ideomptencyKey -> auth(dynamDb) -> payments gateway

    • Competition Dashboard -> Admin (create view, result) -> user(view, participate)

    • Wallet and coin

    • Trip Planning and Booking

    • User Profile

    • Forums and Chat

    • Advertisement View

    • Merchandise Store

2. Backend (Node.js and Express.js)

  • Server: Use Express.js to build the server-side application.
  • APIs: Develop RESTful APIs for various functionalities:
    • User Authentication

    • Competition Management

    • Payment Processing

    • Trip Management

    • Forum and Chat

    • Advertisement and Sponsor Integration

    • Data Analytics

3. Database (MongoDB)

  • Data Models:
    • Users: Store user information and profiles

    • Competitions: Details of competitions, entries, and results

    • Trips: Information about trips, bookings, and reviews

    • Forums: Threads and messages

    • Advertisements: Ads and related data

    • Transactions: Payment records and virtual coins

    • Sponsors: Sponsor details and related campaigns

4. Authentication and Authorization

  • JWT (JSON Web Tokens): Implement JWT for secure user authentication.
  • Role-Based Access Control: Differentiate between students, admins, and sponsors.

5. Payment Gateway Integration

  • Payment Processing: Integrate with payment gateways (e.g., Razorpay, PayPal) for competition entry fees and merchandise sales.

6. Real-Time Features

  • WebSockets: Use Socket.io for real-time features such as chat and live competition updates.

7. Microservices Architecture (Optional)

  • Competition Service: Handle all competition-related operations.
  • Trip Service: Manage trip bookings and interactions with travel providers.
  • User Service: Manage user profiles and authentication.
  • Notification Service: Handle email and push notifications.

8. Third-Party Integrations

  • Travel Providers: APIs to connect with travel agencies, hotels, and transport services.
  • Analytics and Tracking: Use services like Google Analytics and Mixpanel for user behavior tracking.
  • Ads and Sponsors: Integrate with ad platforms for displaying ads and tracking engagement.

9. DevOps and Deployment

  • CI/CD Pipeline: Set up continuous integration and deployment pipelines using tools like Jenkins, GitHub Actions, or CircleCI.
  • Containerization: Use Docker to containerize the application for consistent deployment environments.
  • Hosting: Deploy the application on cloud services like AWS, Azure, or DigitalOcean.
  • Monitoring and Logging: Implement monitoring using tools like Prometheus and Grafana, and logging with ELK Stack (Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana).

10. Security

  • Data Encryption: Ensure sensitive data is encrypted in transit and at rest.
  • Vulnerability Management: Regularly scan for and address security vulnerabilities.
  • Compliance: Ensure compliance with data protection regulations like GDPR.

Example Workflow for User Participation

  1. User Registration and Login:

    • User registers or logs in using the UI.
    • Backend validates and issues a JWT token.
  2. Participation in Competitions:

    • User browses available competitions.
    • Selects a competition and pays the entry fee using the integrated payment gateway.
    • Receives confirmation and competition details.
  3. Winning and Reward Redemption:

    • After competition ends, winners are announced.
    • Winners redeem their rewards (trip bookings) via the platform.
    • Travel provider details are sent to the user.
  4. Community Engagement:

    • Users engage in forums and chat with peers.
    • Share travel experiences and plan trips together.
  5. Advertisements and Sponsorships:

    • Users interact with sponsored content and ads.
    • Earn virtual coins for further participation.

By following this architecture, RoamRivals can provide a seamless and engaging experience for students while maintaining scalability and flexibility to grow.