
A tool which pairs Pandas to LND Lightning Network Data for Data Science

Primary LanguagePython


lnpanda allows you to query Bitcoin lightning network data using Pandas dataframes. Pandas is a powerful data science tool, and the combination can be used to find insights about your node. In addition, pandas dataframes are a just convenient and powerful way to interact with your node, while staying on the command line!


pip install lnpanda

Environment Variables

Add information like node ip address, and directory containing:

  • tls.cert
  • admin.macaroon
export CRED_PATH=/path/to/macaroon/and/tls/cert
export LND_NODE_IP=192.168.1.xx

Basic Usage

from lnpanda import lnpanda

# initialize lnpanda object
a = lnpanda()

# Get info about channel balances and fee rates in 1 view 

# List routed transactions, shows eff_fee_rate of fwd

Using pandas queries

# List channels with a fee rate > 100
a.list_channels_and_fees().query("fee_rate > 0.000100")

# Get sum of latest 25 routed transactions in sats

# Get a set of alias' of the last 10 outgoing forwards
outgoing_chan_ids = list(a.list_forwards().tail(10).chan_id_out)
set(map(lambda x: a.get_peer_alias(x), outgoing_chan_ids))