
Shellcode loader designed for evasion. Coded in Rust.

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT


What is this?

Pestilence is a shellcode loader designed for evasion. Coded in Rust. Forked from: https://github.com/cr7pt0pl4gu3/Pestilence

How does it work?

It loads AES-128-CBC encrypted shellcode (including the key and IV) into the .text PE section during the build stage. During the execution, it first checks for "activate" cmdline argument. If present, it decrypts the shellcode stub, copies it gradually (mixed with custom sleeps) and proceeds to execute it in memory by using NTDLL.DLL functions (mixed with custom sleeps). I plan on modifying this down the line to support additional injection methods.



  • python3 (tested with 3.10) + pycryptodomex
  • rust (nightly-x86_64-pc-windows-msvc toolchain)
  • visual studio 2019 build tools

How to install them

vs2019 build tools

Download and install vs2019 build tools from here:


Make sure that you select "Desktop development with C++" option.

python3 + pycryptodome

Download and install python using this link (do not forget to add it to PATH):


Install pycryptodomex:

pip3 install pycryptodomex


Install rust using rustup from this link:

  • Install the C++ build tools if asked.
  • Be sure to choose "customize installation".

Modify install settings:

Default host triple? [x86_64-pc-windows-msvc]
Default toolchain? [nightly]
Profile? [default]
Modify PATH variable? [Y]

Proceed with installation.

Build & Usage


Open powershell and thrive:

git clone https://github.com/ziggoon/Pestilence/
cd Pestilence
generate the shellcode
python encrypt_shellcode.py
cargo build --release

Note: shellcode must be named "shellcode.bin"!


On target, execute:

pestilence.exe activate


Good luck! I hope that pestilence helped you.