
User Story 911 Creative Agency User want to create a new show reel from a collection of clips in order to present my agency commercials to the advertiser


  • A show reel has name, video standard, video definition and total duration expressed as timecode (hh:mm:ss:ff)
  • Video standard is either PAL or NTSC
  • Video definition is SD or HD
  • A show reel can have 1 or more video clips
  • A video clip has a name, description, video standard, video definition, start timecode and end timecode
  • A timecode is expressed as HH:MM:ss:ff
    • HH>hours
    • MM>minutes
    • ss>seconds
    • ff>frames
    • PALvideohas25fps(25framespersecond)i.e.1frameis40milliseconds o NTSCvideohas30fps


  1. Create a proof of concept user interface for the customer
  2. The UI should show the complete duration of all the clips in the show reel
  3. The UI should allow me to give my show reel a name.
  4. The UI should allow me to add and remove clips from a list. This should update the total duration
  5. One can not mix video standards and video definitions in a video reel. i.e. NTSC clip cannot be added to PAL video reel. HD clip could not be added to a SD video reel.

Demo here

Demo video

Show Reels Backend

Getting Started

  • cd show-reels-backend
  • yarn install
  • yarn start

Run Tests

yarn test

Show Reels Frontend

Getting Started

  • cd show-reels-frontend
  • yarn install

Make sure backend is running

yarn start

Note: To populate the ui with some data run yarn test in the backend repository

Run Tests

yarn test