
Primary LanguageTypeScript

Yarn Monorepo Backend


  1. install lerna globally
  2. install cdk globally


  • packages/common is a common nodejs package used in both lambdas


there are 3 tsconfig files in the root of the project.

  • tsconfig.build.json - this is our base tsconfig file that all nested packages extend so we dont have to duplicate all the configs in this one. This tsconfig is used / called whenever we run yarn run build
  • tsconfig.json - this extends the above tsconfig. We have one for the entire project and this is configured to give us nice intellisense in VSCODE
  • tsconfig.test.json - this config is used by jest in our jest testing environment


  • we use yarn workspaces. you cant use NPM on this project unless you reconfigure lerna and update the package.json to do so
  • all node packages go in /packages directory


  • we use jest for testing
  • see jest.config.js
  • we need to use ts-jest so that type script plays nicely / gets compiled in our testing environment
  • we configure our tsconfig.build to ignore our test files when we build all of our lambdas to reduce package size and allows us to keep our testing files next to our development files which I like to do to quickly see project coverage.
  • run yarn run test or yarn run test:watch in root project


  1. clone repo
  2. run yarn install in project root to install all node dependencies for both root and nested project
  3. run lerna run build to build all typescript code

Development cycle

run yarn run start to start a local lambda server see utils folder for how to add / remove lambdas from the server read https://steveholgado.com/aws-lambda-local-development/ for more information

Run local

To start local server and compile code in watch mode run yarn start, which will;

  1. Compile all packages in watch mode
  2. Start local stack (runs on docker)
  3. Destory and then deploy my local cdk stack packages/cdk-app/src/local-stacks/local-test-stack/local-test-stack.ts to local stack which gives you the local db tables
  4. Run dynamodb-admin on http://localhost:8001/ so you can see the data in the local tables
  5. Run backend graphql server on express on; http://localhost:3100/lambda-gq-resolver/auth-none/graphql no authentecation needed http://localhost:3100/lambda-gq-resolver/auth-user/graphql need to send cognito auth headers http://localhost:3100/lambda-gq-resolver/auth-role/graphql need to send iam auth headers