This is WIP
Ideal spork is a nmigen board builder and Boneless SOC builder.
The nmigen suite and the Boneless-CPU
- nmigen : (
- nmigen-soc : (
- nmigen-boards : (
- nmigen-stdio : (
- Boneless-CPU : (
FPGA development programs
Current development is on a TinyFPGABx this uses the following software
- yoysys : (
- nextpnr : (
- icestorm : (
With this software installed ideal_spork provides some board tooling
Clone this repository
> git clone
> cd ideal-spork
> python develop --user
This will install the library and create a program called spork.
bash> spork
usage: spork [-h] [-v] [-vv] [-vvv] [-d DIRECTORY]
spork is a nmigen board build helper
positional arguments:
init Create files for a new board
info Get information from the base board
console Attach to a new console (UMFINISHED)
build Build gateware and program onto the board (UNFINISHED)
status Get the status of the current spork (UNFINISHED)
update Update all the fixed assets (UNFINISHED)
list List available boards
burn Add the given firmware to boot image
program Upload the given firmware onto the board
gatesim Run a gate simulation of the board
tools Development Commands
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v Warn Logging Level
-vv Info Logging Level
-vvv Debug Logging Level
Directory for spork file
You probably want "spork init <project name> -i"
> python -m ideal_spork --dumpall
This is generated from nmigen_boards
Available Boards
0 ecp5_5g_evn
1 de0_cv
2 ice40_hx8k_b_evn
3 upduino_v2
4 mercury
5 de10_lite
6 tinyfpga_ax1
7 ice40_hx1k_blink_evn
8 alchitry_au
9 versa_ecp5
10 de0
11 blackice
12 versa_ecp5_5g
13 ice40_up5k_b_evn
14 atlys
15 blackice_ii
16 fomu_hacker
17 tinyfpga_ax2
18 fomu_pvt
19 arty_z7
20 zturn_lite_z010
21 numato_mimas
22 upduino_v1
23 nexys4ddr
24 sk_xc6slx9
25 kcu105
26 arty_a7
27 kc705
28 tinyfpga_bx
29 mister
30 icestick
31 de10_nano
32 zturn_lite_z007s
33 icebreaker
34 zignig_dev
35 icebreaker_unsnapped
All comments and patches welcome.
- Working bootloader
- Device drivers
- Auto board build
- All spork tools