
Webhook parser for Discord custom emojis

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This parser was used in the legacy v3 series of Comio, until it was finally deprecated in the v4 series due to Discord's terms of use violation.


let substringArray = get_substrings_between(message.content, ":", ":");
let msg = message.content;
if (!substringArray.length) return;

substringArray.forEach(m => {
  let emoji = client.emojis.cache.find(x => x.name === m);
  var replace = `:${m}:`;
  var regReplace = new RegExp(replace, 'g');
  const replaceInteger = msg.replace(/[0-9]/g, '');
  const emojiInteger = replace.replace(/[0-9]/g, '');
  if (replaceInteger.includes(`<${emojiInteger}>`) || replaceInteger.includes(`<a${emojiInteger}>`)) return;
  if(emoji && !msg.split(" ").find(x => x === emoji.toString()) && !msg.includes(`<${replace}${emoji.id}>`) && !msg.includes(`<a${replace}${emoji.id}>`)) {
    msg = msg.replace(regReplace, emoji.toString());

Message content is breaked into chunks having custom emojis or unicode emojis (:), and each chunk is checked if it's a valid custom emoji and the client can access it. A new Regex is built which replaces all the chunks matching the custom emoji.

let webhook = await message.channel.fetchWebhooks();
webhook = webhook.find(x => x.name === "Webhook Emojis");

if (!webhook) {
  webhook = await message.channel.createWebhook(`Webhook Emojis`, {
    avatar: client.user.displayAvatarURL({ dynamic: true })

await webhook.edit({
  name: message.member.nickname ? message.member.nickname : message.author.username,
  avatar: message.author.displayAvatarURL({ dynamic: true })

webhook.send({ content: msg })
await webhook.edit({
  name: `Webhook Emojis`,
  avatar: client.user.displayAvatarURL({ dynamic: true })

A webhook named as Webhook Emojis is resolved, then its name and avatar is replaced by the message author's name and avatar to replicate the author. Finally the original message is deleted and a new webhook message is sent in the message's channel having the custom emojis.