Forked from my ZSH dotfiles, those are my Fish Shell config files, together with editor, macOS configs and other goodies.
The main reasons for the fork are:
- a lot of things I have out of the box on Fish needed plugins on zsh
- Fish autocompletion is awesome
- Fish syntax is easier to use
- Fish is more modern.
This is an attempt to make the same things I had on my ZSH dotfiles on Fish. For the user, it should look pretty much the same, although under the hood there are a lot of changes.
Config files are still topical, and even though aliases are not a thing on Fish, files are named like that still (and hold both functions and abbreviations).
The auto-update feature was removed, as it was hacky on ZSH and I didn't want to
do it. Instead, now the bootstrap script is better and can be run multiple times
without any issues, so, to update, git pull
and run the
First, make sure you have all those things installed:
: to clone the repocurl
: to download some stufftar
: to extract downloaded stufffish
: the shellsudo
: some configs may need that
Then, run these steps:
$ git clone ~/.dotfiles
$ cd ~/.dotfiles
$ ./script/
All changed files will be backed up with a
To update, you just need to git pull
and run the bootstrap script again:
$ cd ~/.dotfiles
$ git pull origin master
$ ./script/
Reverting is not totally automated, but it pretty much consists in removing the fish config and dotfiles folder, as well as moving back some config files.
Remove the folders:
$ rm -rf ~/.dotfiles ~/.config/fish
Some config files were changed, you can find them using fd
$ fd -e backup -e local -H -E Library -d 3 .
And then manually inspect/revert them.
You use it by running:
And logging out and in again or restart.