
Ruby Vagrant Development Box

Primary LanguagePuppet

Ruby Vagrant Development Box

Based on Vagrant and Precise64 (Ubuntu 12.04 x64 Server Edition)

Available software packages in a box

  • rbenv and ruby
  • postgres, sqlite3, mysql


First install VirtualBox and then Vagrant

This repository needs to be in your home .rvdb directory

git clone git://github.com/zigomir/rvdb.git ~/.rvdb --recursive

Using rvdb on your project

Create project's Vagrantfile and vagrantconfig.yml files inside your project dir with vagrantify.sh script:

cd /path/to/project
~/.rvdb/vagrantify.sh .

If you are on Windows create project's Vagrantfile and vagrantconfig.yml file with copying by hand

cp ~/.rvdb/Vagrantfile.PROJECT path/to/project/Vagrantfile
cp ~/.rvdb/vagrantconfig.EXAMPLE.yml path/to/project/vagrantconfig.yml

If you have special settings (different directory structure for project), different than your team mates, just create another file, named vagrantconfig_local.yml and edit your setting there.

Build me machine

Change directory to your project folder

vagrant up

First run may take time because it will go and download Ubuntu and set it all up

vagrant ssh



Credentials: vagrant/vagrant

Connecting to postgres from command line

sudo -u postgres psql

If you want your user to be super user, connect to postgres and run



Credentials: root/root

Puppet modules with git submodules

First update all submodules

git submodule init
git submodule update

Don't add puppet-rbenv to modules/puppet-rbenv ! it won't work because puppet module name must be the same like directory structure.

Example of adding submodules:

git submodule add git://github.com/alup/puppet-rbenv.git modules/rbenv
git submodule add git://github.com/akumria/puppet-postgresql.git modules/postgresql