Default Stack

Build me servers; Run them on clouds.


cp server_config.SAMPLE.yml server_config.yml
vagrant up --provider=virtualbox
vagrant provision # if / when needed

Use it in your project

Create a file named Vagrantfile in your project's root directory



copy config yaml file

cp server_config.SAMPLE.yml your/project/dir/server_config.yml
cp hosts.SAMPLE your/project/dir/hosts
cp setup.yml your/project/dir/

cd your/project/dir/
ln -s path/to/serverus/roles # symlink Ansible config files

Run vagrant from your project.


You shouldn't have same SSH key already set on DigitalOcean. And be sure to generate auth token with read and write permissions.

vagrant plugin install vagrant-digitalocean
vagrant up --provider=digital_ocean

ansible production -i hosts -m ping -u root
ansible-playbook -i hosts setup_digitalocean.yml

Extra steps


sudo su postgres

Be sure to re-install bundler and try to run gem cause executables might be referenced to ruby1.9.

As root user

ssh -T # add ~/.ssh/ key to GitHub and re-run this command

update-alternatives --set ruby /usr/bin/ruby2.1
update-alternatives --set gem /usr/bin/gem2.1

sudo adduser deployer sudo

# Add following lines beneath %sudo   ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL
deployer  ALL=(root) NOPASSWD:  /sbin/start api, /sbin/stop api, /sbin/restart api, /sbin/status api
deployer  ALL=(root) NOPASSWD:  /sbin/start auth, /sbin/stop auth, /sbin/restart auth, /sbin/status auth


cd /var/log/upstart
tail -f api.log
tail -f auth.log

Be sure to comment this launch section out from mina's deploy.rb out for the first time. Because there is no unicorn.rb script in config directory which is needed by upstart script

As deployer user

touch ~/api/shared/tmp/pids/
touch ~/auth/shared/tmp/pids/


ALl knowledge taken from mazer-rackham and ansible.